Well I don’t know about the rest of you, but the Morning News isn’t going to be the same to me anymore without the smiling face of Chestermere’s own Bruce McAllister bringing the news info our home every morning; sharing it with us like a friend talking over his cup of coffee at our Tim Horton’s.
For about the past six years I had got pretty used to spending my first hour of the day watching Bruce McAllister and the rest of the morning news team bring me up to date with what was happing in the community and around the world while I had morning coffee and got ready to go to work. I quite enjoyed the family type banter that the news team displayed, keeping the news both interesting and understandable.
I noticed as Angela Kokott, Todd Gallant, and Josh Grobberman all vanished, and when I found Bruce gone too, I contacted him to see if I could get the scoop.
McAllister has become a very familiar face in Chestermere. In the course of covering Community Events Anchor staff, including myself have noticed him pitching in as a volunteer at most of the major community and social events and charities so he wasn’t very hard to track down.
When I reached him by phone he said “Hey this day is great, I am dropping off my daughter for her first day of kindergarten because I’ve got the time now, but I’d be happy to meet you for coffee after.”
When we did meet up, my first question of course was “what happened”?
McAllister told me that he could not really talk about specifics, but he had been in contract negations with Global when they opted not to renew his contract.
“You always know you can never be sure of the outcome of contract negotiations”, McAllister told me. “I was really trying strike a better balance between my work and family life. Starting at 5:30 am and working the Morning News and then doing the Noon News kept me from participating in a lot of things with my family. I needed more balance.”
“We weren’t that far apart financially with regard to the contract, but our family life is built on our faith and principals; I stuck to my principals and ultimately we couldn’t come to common ground”
When asked, McAllister told me that he would have liked to stayed with the show, but that was just not to be.
“I would have really liked to say good-bye to my viewers”, McAllister commented, “I wasn’t given the opportunity”.
“There are some great things happening in my life at the same time”, McAllister was quick to point out. “Our 17 year old son Mitch just made the Calgary Canucks and played his first junior game last week, our daughter started kindergarten this week, and Lisa [my wife] is going to have our new baby in a week and a half”.
When I asked McAllister what he was going to next, he told me he wasn’t sure yet.
“We love Chestermere”, he told me. “This is our home. We got here via broadcasting jobs with Global in Halifax and Victoria, and when we got here we fell in love with the community. We want to stay here in Chestermere, but if I stay in broadcasting, that may not be an option. I really have to look at all my options first.”
I know that this writer is not the only one who would like to know more about what’s going on. A quick peruse of some facebook and twitter feeds show a groundswell of disappointment and well wishes to McAllister and the other members of the staff that have left this year. Global morning news is still worth watching, its just “not the same”.
This paper was going to cover the story of McAllister running for Chestermere council in the last round of municipal elections, but the story stopped short of press time when had sadly told us that his employers at Global deemed it a conflict of interest with his position and he ended up not filing papers to run.
I wonder if politics might be a place where someone with the well being of his community, and a real caring about what goes on in the world might end up?
Local Resident Won’t be The Smiling Face On the Morning News Anymore

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You’ve captured exactly how I feel in your article. Bruce was funny and relatable. I admire him for trying to find a way to balance his work and home life. Good luck to Bruce and his entire family. I’m sure we’ll all be hearing about him again soon.
Mornings aren’t the same without Bruce but I’m glad to hear he is able to spend more time with his family now. Maybe with the outcry from all of his fans, Global/Shaw will reconsider his contract and bring him back…
The day the announced Bruce was leaving too I was really upset! There was first Andela, then Todd, then Josh, then Bruce! It was the best team and it actually got my morning off to a great start. Todd and Bruce had a talent to banter back and forth which made me feel I was watching my friends joking sround. It sucks with them gone and I am having a very hard time getting used to the others. There is no joking around and having some fun. I miss them all very much! If I could turn back the clock!
It is certainly not the same in the morning without Bruce! Thank you for capturing in your article how many of us are feeling. Chestermere would be lucky indeed, if Bruce considered the world of politics. As disappointing as it is for the rest of us, I applaud Bruce’s commitment to maintaining balance in his family life. Best wishes to him and we look forward to seeing him in the community!
I am really upset that they have made so many replacements at Global. I too want Bruce back. I have an idea that management has changed. A friend of mine told me that something happened there this summer. Perhaps Bruce, like Angela could be hired to do a radio show like she is presently doing. Whomever is program manager at Glocbal Calgary is indeed an a–hole!!!!!
Luckily CTV is starting a morning show from Calgary so we won’t have to watch Global. I differ with you that Global is still worth watching. To keep Suzanne Fox, Gord Gillies and Leslie Horton is discusting. Bruce kept the show together.
I don’t think that’s appropriate at all. Gord Gillies is the most talented anchor in this city and has been involved with Global for over 20 years.
Hi Bruce – I was so sorry to see you go. My mornings are just not the same! I am sad to loose my Gagetown contact. Best wishes to your family and for your future. Hopefully you will let us all know when you decide on your future.
Good luck!
P.S.–Global is now extremely boring in the morning and especially at noon!
I have been searching to find out what happened to Bruce. He was the only one left to keep me tuning into the morning news. I too will give the CTV new morning show a look. I found Bruce so refreshing and light hearted. Good luck to him and glad he put his family first. GLOBAL will be sorry!!!!
I too have been wondering and finally searching to find out what happened to Bruce so thanks for keeping us informed. Being unsuccessful negotiating a new talent agreement is sad for Global – that’s exactly what they don’t have now-any real “TALENT”. That’s what Bruce does have in abundance – talent, professionalism, a warm balanced personality and perspective. In the long run probably too much for a morning/noon show even though he always made the roughest of mornings easier. Don’t know his politics (& realize he’s not experienced at that level) but I’d love to see his face, hear his comments and trust his direction instead of the PC Candidates presently running for Premier. Good luck to Bruce and his entire family, sorry to see you go. Mornings are not the same! Will be watching to see where he turns up. GLOBAL – Talent is hard to find, let alone to keep!!! Successful negotating of Employee Agreements does not keep viewers interested …. Talent does!!!!
Well,I have tried watching Global since all my favorite team has gone and it truly is not the same! CTV would be Very wise in hireing Bruce, Todd and Josh for their morning show! That was the best news team I think I have ever seen! What a shame Global didn’t bend to give Bruce what he wanted! My God, they are so dumb! It isn’t that the new news team is terrible, we haven’t really given them a fair chance maybe, but it is hard to step into those shoes and try to do what the last team did. I have tried to get into my morning news but It just is not the same. Bruce, if you do read this, you are truly missed and I sure hope we see you again( hopefully with Todd) on another newscast. I would switch so fast it would make your head spin. Best wishes to you and your family!
CTV would be very wise to grab Bruce – If he was to be on board with Todd Gallant nobody would watch Global anymore!
I felt like the team of Angela, Bruce, Todd and Leslie were my family!
What a shame that so many wonderful faces are gone from Global TV morning news. I really enjoyed watching Bruce, Angela and Todd in the mornings. Good thing they are keeping Leslie 😉
Oh well, life goes on, I’m sure Bruce will find a better opportunity that suits his priorities and he’ll excel at it.
Best wishes to you and your family!
I guess a lot of people are not liking change. I wonder what people were saying when Johnny Carson left the tonight show. Yes, a face and personality to love but life goes on people.
The comments that I’m seeing about no talent is a little extreme. Susanne Fox has 2 small children now as well as Jordan the new weather man does too. So I think that they can “relate” to what people are going through.
Its sad to see Bruce leave, but that’s a matter that noone really knows about. And for the people that are going to watch the morning news on CTV… you will have to get to learn a whole set of new people. Shocking!!!
Although I don’t think that Todd Gallant and Josh Groberman were any great loss to the morning show (or any show for that matter) I do believe that Bruce Mcallisters termination is going to leave a big hole in a soon to be sinking ship. I am abadoning
this barge and rowing over to CTV’s new mornings and CTV’s channel 50 24/7 news.
Good luck Bruce – I wish you well.
Thanks for this story! My husband and I were wondering what happened to Bruce and I guess now we know. Like most of you, we were upset that such great talent has been leaving the Global morning news. We miss laughing in the morning, it was a great way to start the day.
We wish all the best for Bruce and his family, and can’t wait to see Todd on the CTV morning news.
I am so disgusted with Global. I used to enjoy the morning news, but I do not even like listening to the voices of most of the “remainders”. Like so many other viewers I’m moving away from Global completely, and will be checking out CTV’s new morning show. Maybe Bruce will come there. Global has completely lost my respect.
What a BIG mistake Global has made !!!! I have watched all of Global’s news shows for years and years…but no more. They are now so boring and listening to Cara reporting the news is nothing short of painful (sorry Cara)The shows were so good and funny but now with the loss of Todd,Angela,Josh and now Bruce it is a write-off. Our Global Family is now a CTV family ! BAD MOVE GLOBAL !
Global does not like their anchors to have personality. When Susanne returns, I will mute and read the news ticker instead.
I was shocked when Bruce was no longer on Global Morning News. I thouroughly enjoyed Bruce & Todd doing their bantering back & forth. When Todd left, I stayed tuned to Global just to watch Bruce. Now without Bruce, I don’t watch anymore. The traffic girl & now the new weather guy are not amusing, (although they think they are). I am looking forward to the new CTV morning show & hope there may be a spot there for Bruce. He is sorely missed!
Bruce will surely be missed. Glad he will be spending more time with family though. The morning news on Global will not be the same. When I moved to Alberta, I was happy to see him on our news in Alberta. I watched him when he was on the Victoria news. Good luck
I too have switched to CTV , mostly because of the
politics of Global and not able to recognize a great team.
Miss you Bruce and wish you the best. I can’t watch Global at all. No charisma. Enjoying Todd on CTV Live.