New session of the Alberta Legislature March 3

We are off and running in the new session of the Alberta Legislature. Session started with a bang on March 3rd, and the fireworks have been exploding pretty much non-stop ever since. In fact there’s so much happening, I thought I’d better write two columns this week, just to keep you informed on what’s happening.
First of all, the budget: And oh my, it was a doozy! Remember when Alberta was debt free. Well it looks like it will be a long time before we can say that again.
The PC’s are doubling down on debt, adding 5.1 billion dollars in debt this year alone, which will take the great province of Alberta to an astounding 21 billion dollars in debt by the next election. That means we will be paying nearly one billion dollars a year in interest on our debt! I shake my head and wonder how many schools we could build for that kind of money.
The actual consolidated cash deficit is 2.7 billion dollars though the Government claims an operational surplus. Confused yet? Don’t feel bad, we all are. Let me explain. The Government changed the way it reports the numbers by splitting the fiscal plan into operating and capital budgets and savings. That enables them to fudge the bottom line. It would be sort of like you reporting your savings account and rrsp’s to the banker, but asking them to leave out the mortgage, line of credit, and credit card bills. Wouldn’t that be nice! The fact is, we still have to pay off our debt. The provincial debt repayment plan stipulates 100 million a year to the principle. At that rate, it will take 220 years to pay off the debt, and that’s without borrowing another cent.
Do you remember this quote: “Alberta does not have debt and will will not incur debt. That is fundamental of what Albertans are proud of and we are committed to make sure that continues.” That was Premier Redford before the election. Hard to believe isn’t it?
What really troubles me is the PC’s culture of entitlement. It seems like they aren’t able to go to the mirror, accept responsibility for their actions, and make the necessary changes. My colleagues and I in the Wildrose party just released a document that would find two billion dollars a year in savings just by cutting wasteful spending and the life of luxury habits Government has grown accustomed to.
For starters, why not eliminate the bonuses for senior public sector executives that rarely meet bench mark targets for wait times in health care anyway. Limit all future severance packages for Government executives and politically appointed staff and executives. CAP THE TRAVEL BUDGET FOR THE PREMIER, eliminate corporate subsidies, roll back the pay raise the PC’s gave themselves (Wildrose did not accept) after last election. There are so many things the Government could and should be doing to treat taxpayers with respect.
This budget is a combination of spin and spending from a Government that is addicted to spending and addicted to debt. I’d love to hear your comments and will strive to ask tough fair questions on your behalf in the Legislature. Don’t hesitate to contact me on this, or any other issue. (403) 207-9889 Facebook: BruceMcAllisterWildrose Twitter: @McAllisterBruce

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About the author

Bruce McAllister