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Nick Jeffrey

Nick Jeffrey

Blame It On Rio

The biggest street party in the world has come and gone for another year, with...

Elaine and Don Cassidy

Elaine and Don Cassidy

Do Moose & Deer Help Birds?

While Elaine and I were walking through the wonderfully treed pathways of...

Nick Jeffrey

Nick Jeffrey

Bully for Barbaresco

While browsing the aisles of my local bottle shop, I came across a Barbaresco...

Elaine and Don Cassidy

Elaine and Don Cassidy

He’s Diving in the Buff!

The smallest of Canada’s diving ducks, and perhaps the scarcest one in the...

Chantelle de Jonge

Chantelle de Jonge

Budget 2025

Last week, Alberta’s government introduced Budget 2025 with the theme “Meeting...