Keep intersection for access, but improve safety

I am a Chestermere resident and would like to share my opinion on the Paradise Rd and Hwy 1 intersection proposed change. This intersection, the way it is provides great short cut access to Chestermemre. When going to Calgary using Hwy 1, it saves about 5 minutes and few Kilometers of commute. Many of my friends from all over Chestermere use this road and save lots time and fuel by doing so. This intersection also provides an alternative to other routes and another valuable access to Chestermemre.

The concern on Safety is also valid and we need to do something about that as well. Along with traffic light there may be some other solutions that we can think of if we put our heads together. I appeal that we save this intersection in the same format it is today and think about some ideas to make it more safer and even better for providing the much needed access to Chestermemre.

Gary Jessel

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