My Christmas Challenge to You

Anita and I had the opportunity this Christmas season to attend Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” at Theatre Calgary. Although I’ve seem the old black and white version a dozen times, I hadn’t had the opportunity to see it on stage. The story was as moving as the first time I watched it – maybe more so given the intimate setting. At the end of the show, the repented Scrooge stood on stage to thank the audience for attending and asked us to make a donation to the food bank as we left. He mentioned that demand at the food bank was 70% higher than last year, and that the vast majority of the new hungry were children. Given Tiny Tim’s special role in the aforementioned play, many in the audience were clearly moved and gave generously as baskets were circulated.

It got me to thinking a bit though. Prior to becoming an MLA I didn’t really know too many people who needed help putting food on their tables. Most of my friends, although not wealthy, were gainfully employed and able to comfortably provide the necessities of life to their families. However, having served as MLA over the past 4 years my eyes have truly been open to just how much need is out there. There are literally hundreds of families in our community that can barely afford a modest Christmas meal let alone a nice gift for their children. Many of these families don’t feel right asking for help from government or any one else, and others don’t know where to turn.

So in the Spirit of Christmas, I am going to issue a challenge to every family in Airdrie that does have enough to spare. Please locate one family that could use a little help this Christmas. On the 23rd or 24th, take them over everything they will need for a large Christmas dinner and leave them with a thoughtful gift for every member of the family (or a gift card if you havent a clue what they would want). That $250 or so may seem small to you, but trust me, it will seem like a miracle to those who truly need it. And for those that are just barely making it by, it will lift their spirits and that of their children.

If even a thousand of our Airdrie families make this small sacrifice, I am sure that it will touch lives and bring our community that much closer together.

And if you have no clue who would need such a lift, please just send me an email and I have a dozen or so families in mind;)

Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and to quote Tiny Tim, God Bless us Every One.

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About the author

Rob Anderson