Carseland News

Minor Sports (Soccer/Baseball) takes many dedicated volunteers to run. Thank you to Jenn Cook who is willing to put some effort into starting up Minor Sports again for Carseland and surrounding areas and communities, but, she cannot do this alone. If you are willing to help out or would like to see Minor Sports resume, please come to the meeting at the Carseland Community Hall on Monday, Feb 27 at 7 p.m. If there are not enough volunteers then unfortunately Minor Sports will not run again this year. With a community our size and the number of boys and girls living in our area it would be excellent to see the facilities being used once again. For further information please call Jenn at 403 901-1699.
The 1st Carseland BPSA Alberta Group had a busy start to the new year.  The Otters are working on their Second Footprint, they will complete their requirements with a visit to the Jet Setters in February, by serving them tea and cookies. The Timber Wolves are busy beginning to earn their Second Star. There are many fun activities planned for February to help make the learning fun.
January was an exciting month for our Carseland group, Monday Jan 16th saw 6 youth become the start of the Explorer Group consisting of boys & girls 11 – 15. They meet on Monday nights at the Rec. Centre from 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.  The first 6 weeks of the program they will be learning the requirements to be invested as full time Explorers early in March. The Explorers went ice fishing at Chain Lakes on Saturday, Jan 28th, we had a blast and actually caught some fish. The Explorers have their next winter camp February 25th/26th in Kananaskis. On Saturday, Feb 18th, we have the first annual 1st Carseland BPSA Alberta Group LEGO Competition, open to all 3 sections with prizes for each, located upstairs in the Rec. Centre from 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Please stop by and vote for your favorite LEGO creation. On February 9th all 3 sections will be going to the fire hall where the firefighters will teach them fire safety and possibly let them check out the fire trucks.
February 19th to the 25th is International Scouting Week. If you would like to donate your bottles and cans to the Scouts, please call Mike Schappert, Group Scout Master, at 901-0891 or 540-0990. We are always open to new youth joining our group, please call or email
Carseland Community Association is sponsoring a Fund Raising Raffle and Spaghetti Supper with proceeds going towards Community Enhancement. Draw date will be Saturday, May 26th at the Carseland Hall Watch for more information and check for the posters around town. Be sure to pick up your tickets, on sale at local businesses or call Sharon at 403 934-2473. (Must be 18 years of age to purchase)
PB Club will be holding a Gala in celebration of 100 years of community giving; past, present and future on April 14th. For tickets please call Connie at 403 934-3997 or e-mail
Our next scheduled meeting for Communities in Bloom is Feb 21st at 7 p.m. in the Jet Setters Room. You are welcome to join us. For further information please call Darlene at 403 934-2896 or e-mail
Please note the February Ag meeting has been moved to Wednesday, Feb 15 instead of the 14th, Valentine’s Day.
It is time to start planning for our Centennial Celebrations in 2014. If you are interested in helping with this event, please call Sharon at 403 934-2473 or Marcy at 403 934-3308. Our first meeting will be at the Jet Setters room on February 16th at 7 p.m. You are welcome to attend and bring along any ideas or suggestions you may have.
On Saturday, March 17, 2012 the Carseland Lions and Community Fundraising Event & Dinner will be held at the Community Hall. Plan to attend and support your Community. If you would like to make a donation to the auction, give any Lions member or anyone on the Ag board a call. Volunteers will be needed to help with the dinner and with the bar. Please call Darlene at 403 934-2896 if you can donate some time.
There will be a Valentine’s Social and Youth Fundraiser on February 10, at 7 p.m. at Bow River Alliance Church. It is a fundraiser for the Youth Group, mostly for their YC trip in May. All are welcome to join them for this social evening of events. It is a night of good food – chocolate fondue, ice cream and fruit; games and laughs. A few youth will share some of their talents. Donations are accepted at the door.
Congratulations to Matt and Missy Byma on the birth of their baby girl and a sister for Mason and Boston. Harper Isabella weighed 7 lbs, 5 oz and was born on February 5th, 2012. Proud grandparents are Carol and Clarence Byma.
Get well wishes to Barrie Berlin, we wish you a speedy recovery.
I am still looking for someone to consider taking over this column. If you have any interest in volunteering 2-3 hours a week to write this column or would like further information, please call me at the number below. Thank you for your consideration.
To submit news, please call Sharon at 403 934-2473 or e-mail

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