It’s great to see more businesses opening to serve the residents of Chestermere as our community continues to grow. New to the West Creek Plaza on Merganser Drive in a space that was formally part of Chestermere Convenience Store is independent pharmacy Chestermere Remedy’s RX, owned and operated by local resident Alim Mamdani who brings a fresh, intimate and competitive approach to his business. Alim saw a need to service the neighboring medical offices in the plaza along with the local community. His face may be familiar to many since he has acquired seven years of experience through his work at the former Chestermere Drugs which later became Shoppers, as well as working at Shoppers in Strathmore, all since graduating from the University of Alberta in 2006. Neilin Nazarali who has been in the industry for 27 years has joined his team. Her expertise and maturity will greatly add to serving customers needs.
Alim says that his services aim to bring a lot more convenience to his customers. Free medication reviews are available upon request and the bonus of this is that his team can deal with the doctor directly, and even access your blood work and prescription profiles which include all medications even if prescribed by different doctors. It’s a more frontline approach that lessens confusion and allows the pharmacists and doctors to work together on the patients behalf.
Pharmacies can now provide injections that previously were only offered by visiting the doctor’s clinic. Alim and Neilin are both injection certified with over 5 years of over 1000 injections behind him. These include flu shots and both regular and travel vaccinations. Another great service is free blister packing. I’ve personally seen the advantage of this system with my own 82 year old father who recently underwent heart surgery. Some of his pills were only to be taken once a day while others were taken 3 times a day. The blister pack eliminates all confusion of dosage and timing, set up day by day. Anything to make our busy lives simpler is a win win and especially in these kinds of stressful circumstances where extra care may be needed. Typically the packages are set up to 28 day cycles.
Other services offered by Chestermere Remedy RX include free prescription delivery. Prescriptions can be faxed by the doctor’s office directly to the pharmacy eliminating wait time and even having to pick up the prescription. This would be a great advantage for someone who has limited access getting around or having little time. In certain situations the pharmacist can extend refills if they have expired and the patient is unable to get to their doctor immediately. Also Alim mentioned that a lot of people don’t realize that prescriptions are easily transferred between different pharmacies. One just has to ask.
Chestermere Remedy RX officially opened its doors on April 15. Over time the store is being stocked with more and more items coming in. This includes a full line of OTC’s (over the counter) drugs such as first aid, allergy medications and pain relief remedies. Also there will be a greeting card isle, usual snack and cooler fare, breast pump rentals and eventually naturopathic and herbal remedies. Alim says it will be a learning process in responding to his customer’s needs for future stock. Presently the pharmacy is open 9:30 to 7:30 Monday to Friday, and open on Saturdays from 10 to 2. Phone number is (403) 719-8270. Good Luck to Alim and Neilin.