Bev LaPeare is currently in her third term as Rocky View School Board Trustee and during that time, she has seen a lot of change. The incumbent trustee has won the upcoming election by acclamation, and is excited to continue her fourth term working with the nine schools that are located within her riding of Ward 2.
The popular trustee understands education and the unique learning needs of students from a personal perspective. Her personal journey through schooling as a parent of three has taught her how to work effectively as an advocate for all children.
LaPeare has 3 children, all of whom are adults now but when her second child was only two years of age, LaPeare and her husband began to notice that something was different about her. With time, the family discovered that LaPeare’s daughter was diagnosed as developmentally disabled causing her to require a different level of learning from the average child. As it turned out, two of LaPeare’s three children had developmental disabilities. “I had to really use my voice to be an advocate for my children, to get the resources and funding for them that they required in order to reach their individual potential” shares LaPeare.
Eventually, LaPeare became involved as chair of her children’s school council for 14 years which led to her interest in becoming a trustee. “It made sense that if I could do this for my own children, I could do it for others” says LaPeare adding with a smile, “Now I have 4000 children and one of the most rewarding part of this job is watching them walk across the stage at their high school graduation.”
LaPeare’s goal as trustee is to allow an avenue for the parent voice to be heard. “In my opinion, the parents voice should be a bigger part of the team” says the trustee. She adds that this is an exciting time in Alberta education because this is the first time in 25 years that the Education Act has been opened. The new 2015 Education Act has already been passed in the legislature but now a comprehensive review of the Education Act’s regulations is required before this innovative legislation can come into force.
Parents are encouraged to get involved in the process of defining the regulations which will drive the new 2015 Education Act forward. Alberta Education is inviting public input into the Education Act Regulatory Review over the next several months and LaPeare wants to see parents to get involved. “This Act will drive us forward and see us into the future” says LaPeare.
Alberta Education is currently asking for the public to complete the Regulatory Review On-line survey which can be found on the Alberta Education website, as well there is a link on the Rocky View School District website.
LaPeare wants everyone to know that she is always accessible; she would like to hear from you about questions, concerns, thoughts and ideas and invites people to reach out to her anytime via phone or email. She also makes it a habit of attending each school council meeting at all 9 schools that are in her ward. Going forward, LaPeare feels the biggest challenge the School board faces is space, and adds that they will be spending a lot of their time lobbying the government in this regard.
Bev LaPeare can be reached by visiting www.rockyview.ab.ca or emailing blapeare@rockyview.ab.ca.