California Dreaming Becomes a Reality for Abstract Dance Academy Troupe


Dancers from the Abstract Dance Academy are off to California this week to showcase their talents in the parade and on stage at Disneyland and California Adventure Park.
For the past couple of weeks there has been dancing in the streets as the group took to the closed section of Rainbow Road in preparation for the upcoming event. Nearby neighbors may have been surprised to look out their decks and see this high energy group clad in pink dancing by waving and bouncing to the tune of “I’m Walking on Sunshine. ”
The Academy is participating for the first time in the summer “Dance the Magic” event at Disneyland. “The kids are ecstatic about being able to go to Disneyland” said owner and dance teacher Kara Moore. The energy bouncing around Rainbow Road certainly attested to the group’s excitement.
The event takes place from July 10 to 14. On the first two days there will be workshops where the dancers will get an opportunity to work with the Disneyland clinicians. The parades are on the weekend nights with the Showcase Stage performances winding up the event on Sunday said Moore.
The 37 girls that make up the dance team are competitive level dancers and have been working on their dance moves since the beginning of June. The choreographed piece was sent from Disney so all studios from Canada and the United States will be parading in sync. It certainly will be a sight worth seeing.
As well studios were invited to submit their own dance routines for consideration for the Showcase and all three tap routines sent in by Abstract were accepted.
The girl’s biggest fans, their parents and families, lined the street to catch the practice. “Watching them made me very proud to be a dance mom,” said Patti Stewart.
Kelly Stoodley, dad to Mikayla and twins Savanna and Olivia even took on a second job to fund his family’s participation in the event. He’s a happy and proud dad but laughed saying he’s also a tired one. His parents will be joining the family in California to enjoy their grandchildren’s performance and to also celebrate their 50 wedding anniversary.
The Disney dance events are held 3 times throughout the year at Christmas, Easter and in the summer which gives families an opportunity to add a holiday to the event. The Christmas event is taped and broadcast on TV. The company may look to participating every second year as well as considering the Disneyworld location in Florida.
Anyone wishing to follow the group’s fun can view the trip through the Academy’s facebook page.
Abstract Dance Academy is currently changing locations and will be leaving the West Creek Plaza for new digs at the Rainbow Falls Strip Mall alongside the Macs. They will continue to offer classes in tap, jazz, ballet, hip hop, musical theatre and lyrical.
If you would like additional information they can be contacted at (403) 726-0122, , or by email Registration for September classes begins at the end of August.

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