From music to drama to visual arts and literature, the arts play a powerful role on societal development. The Arts add benefits to a community; they provide a language that all people can speak and enhance cultural appreciation, they can provide for learning and growth and some studies show they improve academic achievement.
Chestermere Art Days was a local celebration of Alberta Culture Days, supported & sponsored by the Government of Alberta, Chestermere Agricultural Society and the Town of Chestermere. Held over two days (September 27-28) at the Chestermere Recreational Centre, it had a lot to offer.
The event kicked off Friday night with a Wine & Cheese and Silent Auction fundraiser put on by the United Way/Chestermere Partnership. Approximately 140 guests enjoyed a fabulous evening featuring local artisans and live jazz music. The theme was “Art de la Rue” and as you walked in, you felt like you were being transported into an authentic French Marketplace.
There was a great deal of business community support and event organizers wanted to give an extra big “shout out” to Riz Jetha, owner of Mo’s Liquor Store, who was the Platinum Sponsor of the fundraiser. He, along with the vendors he arranged donated all of the wine served and the event; as well he and his staff worked tirelessly throughout the entire evening. “The United Way/Chestermere Partnership does a lot of work to build our community’s capacity but they couldn’t do nearly as much as they do without the support they get at events like this one” shares Patty Sproule, event organizer.
Over 20 volunteers including the entire United Way Partnership Committee, members from Synergy Steering Committee, Mayor Matthews and Town Council and members of the Chestermere Historical Foundation pulled this successful evening together. “I think the event was a great success with artists being able to promote their artwork in an intimate forum plus donating their work to support the United Way in the Silent auction” says Lori Brookhouse, Co-Chair of the United Way/Chestermere Partnership Committee.
Rob Trung was the MC for the event and had this to say of the fundraiser, “It’s really great to see how many people in Chestermere pull together for a good cause and makes me feel fortunate to belong to this great town.”
The funds raised at this event will be granted in December to local not-for-profit organizations based on proposals they receive from the community groups. According to Sproule, in 2013, the United Way/Chestermere Partnership supported the Library, Chestermere United Football, Synergy and the Rotary Club/Chestermere Bike Park Committee.
On Saturday the Art Market continued with tons of entertainment. Live performances on stage by local talents were exceptional and continued throughout the day. There were free art workshops and of course the opportunity to view and purchase art from the vendors.