Any library is a valuable asset to a community, and the Chestermere Public Library is no exception. More and more people are turning to the library to take advantage of all it has to offer. Over July and August, an average of 200 people visited our local library per day; and with that came 329 new library cards issued and 547 cards renewed.
July ended up being the busiest month at the library and the numbers prove it. There were 2000 more books taken out this July then there was in July of 2012. That is an incredible increase, and library staff were happy to see so many people visiting despite their hectic summer schedules.
The Summer Reading Program which encourages people to read at least 20 minutes per day was a huge success. A total of 523 people were registered in the program and with the help of donations from local businesses, the library was able to raffle off 16 gift baskets to the lucky winners who participated.
Debbi Weber, Assistant Director at the Chestermere Public Library would like to remind residents that the municipal election is coming up quickly. Freedom of speech and the right to vote are both things that Weber takes seriously. That is why she is keen about becoming involved in the elections and she wants you to be too.
On Saturday, October 5, 2013 from 1:00-4:00p.m., in an effort to educate; all residents of Chestermere are invited to come and meet the candidates for both Chestermere mayor and councillors. The Library staff have invited the candidates to join them on October 5, and hope that residents of Chestermere will use this opportunity to come out and meet the candidates face to face. “It is so important to know who is running for our Town Council – that is why we are providing this opportunity to ask questions to the candidates and hear them speak, before you vote for them” says Weber.
On Tuesday, October 8, 2013, also at the library there will be a demo of the new voting tabulator being used at this year’s municipal elections in Chestermere. If you’re wondering how they work, or just want to give it a try before the election please feel free to come down to see what it is all about.
Once again this fall, they library will be holding a Used Book Sale. They ask that you drop off any used books that you would like to donate to the sale, at the library between now and Friday November 01, 2013. The sale will be held Friday November 01 and Saturday November 02 from 10:00am-5:00p.m., both days.