High Tea Held For Seniors

Did you know that June 3 to June 6 was Senior’s Week designated by Alberta Health? Around the province of Alberta last week many events dedicated to the seniors of our population were taking place.

Alberta Health’s website emphasizes the important contribution that seniors make in our communities and to the lives of others through their support to their families and friends and through volunteerism and assisting charities. This week was a chance to honor and recognize this important group.

In our own community a high tea was held in honor of our local elders by the Town of Chestermere staff and volunteers as well as Mayor Patricia Matthews. The town hall chamber was transformed into a tearoom with white tablecloths and runners with the business of the day being the service of tea.

Event coordinator Nancy Huneault said this event which drew in a group of about 30 guests gave local seniors a chance to come together to socialize and be recognized for their contribution to our community at the same time enjoying both lunch and entertainment.

In the tradition of High Tea, a light lunch of Egg Salad Croissants was served on tiered plates , followed by “dainties” and of course the must have tea. Live music in the chamber was provided by Allegro Trio, string performers from Calgary. It was a chance to see familiar faces or perhaps meet a new one, and also to swap a few stories and memories.

It’s always interesting that when you’ve “been around the block” a few times that the phenomenon of the six degrees of separation really become apparent. Ask any senior who chats to a stranger and they’ll tell you that in conversation one can always find some common link to either a person or a place. It really just makes them friendly folk.

When you take the time to having a conversation with someone from the older generation you will find a wealth of experience and wisdom and usually a good laugh or too. In one of John Mayer’s songs he’s questioning life and purpose and his father tells him, “When you turn 68 you renegotiate” meaning that life requires a continual reassessing and appreciating in different ways.
Living senior years well is an important job. It’s a time of torch lighting for those younger who are following in their footsteps. For the younger generation remember to slow down and appreciate the elders of your family or those in your neighborhood. By spending time with the older generation one will find there are many treasures waiting to be uncovered!

If you missed this annual tea, look for it again next June. A reminder that Community Services puts together a Lunch ‘n Learn program for seniors on topics pertinent to their age group and lifestyle on the first Thursday of every month from 12 to 1. Participants bring their own lunch with the town providing dessert and coffee, and is usually held at the Whitecappers Room at the Recreation Center.

For more information on this service call the town’s Community Services at (403) 272-7060 or check their website at www.chestermere.ca. and follow the links under Town Services.

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