The Chestermere Historical Foundation is excited to announce that a project which has been under discussion for most of 2012 will come to fruition in 2013. Early in 2012 the Town of Chestermere charged the Chestermere Historical Foundation with the project of putting murals on Reservoir #10, a very plain and uninteresting cement structure near the corner of Highway #1a and Rainbow Road on the west side of town. The CHF sought funding for the murals and has since been in positive discussion with EPCOR for provision support to do murals on two walls of the structure. The theme of water will determine the choice of which of the historical black and white photos are chosen from the Glenbow Photo Archives. You may be familiar with a number of these scenes which are now on display in the Atrium of the town office and also, thanks to Andrew, in our local Tim Horton’s. Below is a picture of the structure which will soon have a new and more interesting exterior and also a copy of a post card from the first Chestermere History book, Saddles Sleighs and Sadirons, 1961. Though this postcard image will not be used for the murals, it is hoped that the historic pictures will create the kind of interest that this post card intends in Chestermere as a present day ‘oasis’ by reflecting a history of providing water recreation and sport in a dry prairie landscape. For more information on the project contact the CHF through their webpage www.chestermerehistory.org The next regular meeting will be Tuesday January 22nd 6:30pm in the Chestermere Library; come and hear more about this and other projects–everyone welcome!