Kids Can Sew Program fashion show

Kids can sew at Bow Bench
Kids can sew at Bow Bench

A group of 11 girls ranging in age from 7 – 15, have been participating in the Kids Can Sew Program at Bow Bench Retreat, they have attended 15 classes on Saturday mornings since September. Saturday, April 20th they held a fashion show for their family and friends to show off their creations. Most of the girls had never sewn before this class, many were inspired by talented Grandmothers who encouraged them to take up the hobby, and have given them sewing machines.

Janet Gerbrant is a certified instructor with this program and started teaching kids in her basement more than 10 years ago, she says “the kids are so excited to learn to run a real sewing machine, and are thrilled to have something to show for all their hard work”. The girls were a little shy showing off their creations, which included PJ bottoms, nightgowns, skirts, hair bows, and notion bags. Most of the kids completed 6 projects over the fifteen 3 hour classes, which also included a special Halloween, Christmas and Valentines creation.

Grace who is 13, said “It’s been really cool doing this class.” She is currently working on a “Steam Punk Coat”, which is challenging but she is enjoying the process of creating. Alyson, the youngest student in the class, has aspirations to sew her own Princess gown. The Kids Can Sew program welcomes all kids from 6 years old and up, Bow Bench Retreat has sewing machines available for their use. All the students agreed the class was great fun and look forward to continuing their new found hobby in September.

Bow Bench Retreat is located 2km South of Carseland, and will be running summer sewing programs and more classes starting in September. Find them on Facebook for updates or visit

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