Mountain View Memorial Gardens and Funeral Home Sponsors Duck Release



Yellow school buses unloaded over 350 school children at Mountain View Cemetery for their annual Duck release party last Thursday. Elementary age students came sporting umbrellas, rain gear and a lot of energy in preparation for saying goodbye to the almost full grown white ducks they helped bring to adulthood. Ten schools participated in the event coming as far as Cranston in Calgary and including Chestermere’s St. Gabriel the Archangels and Our Lady of Wisdom School.
The duck release is an ongoing venture that Mountain View provides to acquaint the children with firsthand hand knowledge about raising and caring for ducklings. The yellow ducklings come to the school looking cute and fuzzy. They grow up in the classroom while the kids have the opportunity to board them overnight or for the weekend.
Grade 3 Teacher Ana Avila from Our Lady of Wisdom said that the kids kept a journal of their adventures with their duckling . The release was timely as the kids were aware the birds had outgrown their environment.
Keeping a duck overnight can prove to be a challenging endeavor especially when at the larger stage according to Mom Jocelyn Daines. They had to keep the duck in the bathroom away from the cat. In the morning they woke to a frayed carpet and bits not to mention the umm unsightly mess of duck poop!
The Festival atmosphere had children dancing and singing in the rain with the help of a DJ, bubble machine and clown. The ducks they had raised nestled nearby in an enclosed pen oblivious to the party around them, but very much the center of attention.
Les McMahon, manager of Mountain View Memorial Gardens, and mascot Lulu the Duck led the children in song and dance with such favorites as The Bird Dance, YMCA and the Macarena, with keeping warm as much the incentive as the fun of dancing itself.
When the moment of release came it was a curious affair, with the birds needing to be herded and coaxed into their natural habitat amongst cheering from the children. Go Charley, Bubbles, or was that Pickles?
The day’s festivities ended with a pizza lunch under a dry roof and the satisfaction knowing that the ducks will be well cared for in their natural habitat.
“We are proud to offer our cemetery ponds as a home for the ducks and let the children visit them throughout the summer” Said McMahon.
Mountain View Memorial Gardens and Funeral Home has been serving the families of Calgary for 60 years. It is located at 1515-100 Street S.E.
For a complete list of community events held at Mountain View Memorial Gardens & Funeral Home, please call 403-272-9824
Source: Mountain View Press Release June 20 ,2013.

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