Read Around the Lake

Chestermere Public Library’s Summer Reading Club is for everyone, from babies to seniors and everyone in between! This is a free program, the only requirement is your Chestermere Library Card.

Summer Reading Club registration starts now and runs to August 30. Everyone who registers is entered in the grand prize draw for either a Kobo Mini eReader or an HP Photosmart
5510 printer. You also earn prize entries for filling out your Read Around the Lake calendar, attending programs, and completing the challenges on your bonus bingo card. Prizes are on display at the Library and you can choose which prize to place your prize entry in. There will be special activities all through the summer at the Library for everyone to enjoy.

Teens aged 12 to 17 can also join the Teen Summer Library Experience and earn prizes such as gift cards and books. The grand prize is your choice of a $150 gift card, Kobo Glo eReader or 7th generation iPod Nano. Register at

Thank you to all our community sponsors: Subway, Starbucks, M&M Meat Shops, Up & Running Technologies and Mayor Matthews.

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