And you know who did, and has done so in spades for the past five years? Bernie Maillet! This is the 5th year that Bernie and his wife Genie have presented the town of Chestermere Public Library with a cheque from their fundraiser ‘Loop Around the Lake.’ This year as in past it was a hefty four figures, $7 685.16. Well done Bernie, your continued dedication to this essential community cultural element is to be applauded.
At the conclusion of their volunteer appreciation event November 15th, Library Board Chair Marilyn King was thanked for her tireless work and dedication and she challenged all in attendance to support the library in whatever way possible, large or small, so Chestermere citizens can proudly say that they have ‘the best small town library in Alberta.’
For those of you who, like Bernie, would like to ‘Luv’ the Library’ in your own way, there are a number of opportunities upcoming. The Chestermere Library Foundation (CLF) ( a separate charity which supports the library) is seeking new members and board members, and workers for a casino on February 22nd and 23rd. If you are interested in joining the Foundation or could work a shift at the casino contact them at The Foundation also has a link on the Chestermere Library page.
The Chestermere Library Board is hosting a breakfast ‘Brainstorming for the Library’ on Saturday, November 23rd. Drop in at 7:30am for breakfast and stay as long as you can at this retreat, applying your creativity and ideas to any aspect of the library– Loop Around the Lake, innovative ideas for programs, grants–bring your kudos, improvements, tweaks–all will be considered. What can be done better? For more information or to RSVP email the library via the contact link on their webpage or call 403 272 9025. Attend, or if not, leave a message with YOUR idea! Visitors are always welcome at the Library Board meetings held on the 2nd Thursday of the month in the Library Community Room, the next one being December 12th, 6:30pm.
Show Some Luv’ for Our Library

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