Town’s Recreation Facilities Survey Moves Along to Next Stage

In a media release from the Town of Chestermere results of the recent Dare to Dream Campaign for future recreational facilities were highlighted.

The open house which ran on April 22 of this year detailed the results of the town’s recreation survey run last September. This survey asked resident’s opinions of what they would like to see in recreation facilities. A chance for further discussion and input were part of the open house.

“One of the things I love best about this community is their participation in crafting a vision for the future of Chestermere,” said Mayor Patricia Matthews.
The top five amenities recommended were an aquatics centre, a fitness centre, outdoor sports fields, a gymnasium and an indoor running track. As well meeting rooms were desired for a wide variety of user groups. Combining health services within a large recreation facility was seen as desirable.

Some common concerns that came up from the open house were the costs involved and how they will be paid for, and how the Town is working with the CRCA in increasing recreation amenities. Also it was apparent that getting these amenities as soon as possible was top on the list.

Input for pathway improvement around town showed that by far the top priority is for the route along 1A which is now Chestermere Boulevard and also for crossing it. Next on the list for path improvement or implementation was linking John Peake Park to the Cove Park at the end of the lake. Smaller numbers requested paving of the Oakmere Way –Town Centre connector and the path at the south end of the lake as well as improving the path system in the south east area.

Chen Pang, Assistant Director of Development Services said that the survey results will be implemented into a strategic plan which will be brought forth at Town Council’s mid august meeting. If approved by council the next step will be in making an action plan that will be brought forward again to council by June 2014.
As always getting the project off the ground and actually taking that first jump in the pool is a lengthy process and implementation is expected to take place in 10 to 15 years.

The open house presentation outlined funding possibilities for new amenities which included provincial and federal grants, Town of Chestermere tax dollars, corporate and developer donations, sale of naming rights, community fund raising, private donations and Town of Chestermere borrowing dollars.

The open house also had a sign up for volunteers interested in being part of the committee to help in the development of a recreation facility. This committee will work with the Town and is expected to be up and going by the end of September.
If you would like to be part of this committee call Jennifer Finnigan, Community Recreation Coordinator at (403) 207-7060.

Source:Town Of Chestermere Press Release. June 11, 2013

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