Once again Chestermere Community Services will be hosting its annual pancake breakfast to honor all those in the Chestermere and South Rockyview area who have volunteered their time and efforts throughout the year whether through individual efforts, through local groups and organizations, the school or rec community as well as Community services on Saturday, the 27 of April and will be held in the parking lot of the Town Hall from 9 to 1.
Aia Clamp, coordinator of this event says that there will be games along with give-aways & crafts, the firefighters will be attending with their fire trucks and members of council will be flipping pancakes. It will give the community a chance to meet others, and allows us to celebrate their important role in the community. Sponsors of the event are Community Services, the Town of Chestermere, Volunteer Alberta & Alberta Culture.
Aia is Program Facilitator for the Town of Chestermere. Her job provides families with resources and support, as well as tracking volunteers and parent helpers. She said that they have logged over 200 hours of volunteer time in 2012 alone in the children’s programs at the KIDZ 1St Network Parent Link Centre. Volunteer effort is hugely responsible for the success of these and other programs and parents these days know that their own efforts not only enhance their children’s experiences but are a necessity to keeping many extracurricular clubs and activities alive, programs that not only give their children additional opportunities to expand but also enhance their lives as well. As our children grow they take us along this path naturally through their own talents and desires.
Through volunteerism can come a gift of feeling expansive, a part of being something bigger than oneself and seeing one’s efforts make a difference in someone else’s life or in their community. It’s a feeling that comes from the heart. The sense of pride that comes from connection in whatever community or group one supports. As well it gives opportunities for meeting new people, making connections, refreshing one’s frame of mind, and reducing isolation. Sometimes it can even lead to a new career path.
If you find yourself looking for a new opportunity why not try volunteering on a local level. Opportunities can be found through the town, rec centre, and local schools or by checking the Anchor for listings of local organizations.