Whitecappers’ News & Happenings Jan 10

CARPET BOWLING – Mondays and Wednesdays – 1:00pm.
QUILTING – Thursdays 9:30am, everyone is welcome. Come share in making “Comfort Quilts.” The quilts are given to the RCMP & Victims Services to pass along to children & others within our community who experienced a tragedy/ trauma.
FITNESS FOR SENIORS – Fridays, 11:00am, the focus is strength and balance. This is a drop-in class so come when you can.
FRIDAY EVENING GAMES – 6:30pm – There will be euchre and many other games available. Contact Marilyn Conrad for further details 403-248-1998
SATURDAY MORNING COFFEE – 10:00 – 11:30am – Come enjoy a visit, share a joke and have some laughs.

Tuesday, January 29, 5:30pm – Robbie Burns Dinner – to honor the Hagis which will be “Piped in” – $10.00 for members; $12.50 for non-members – Homemade meat pies will be served so we will need to know what kind you want from a variety of choices. There is a sign-up sheet on the office door.

Thursday, January 31 – FOOT CLINIC Call 403-207-7060 to book your appointment.

The Whitecappers’ office is open every Monday 10:00am till 1:00pm
Address: 201B West Chestermere Drive (South end of the Rec. Centre)
Office phone # 403-235-2117 (if we aren’t there, please leave a message)

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