Rev. John Nemanic with excited kids after Angels on High 2013, when volunteer climbers summited Mt. Temple in August. Several families and children from the Chestermere parish met the climbers at the base of the mountain to congratulate them on their efforts and successful journey. A new journey begins as St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish launches Angels on High 2014 in an effort to raise money to build Chestermere’s first Catholic Church Building.[/caption]
Nine years, that’s how long St. Gabriel’s Parish has been celebrating its weekend Masses in the St. Gabriel the Archangel School gym. Although it has been a good home to grow in, Rev. John Nemanic says it’s time to have a space to call their own.
This is why they are launching Angels on High for the second consecutive year; Angels on High is a fundraising adventure to raise funds towards a church building for St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish in Chestermere, and their goal is to have it built by 2018.
“A church building will help us relieve the suffering and alienation of people through our worship: the nourishment of the Sacraments; Witness: proclamation of the Word to others, and Service to those in need. Essentially, the church building gives people a home”, says Rev. John Nemanic, Pastor of St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish.
Angels on High 2014 begins with a fundraising dinner on Saturday June 14th, 2014. The dinner will be the beginning of an exciting adventure. Held at the Chestermere Rec Centre and emceed by former NHLer Charlie Simmer, there will be entertainment; a catered dinner; a keynote speaker; a live and silent auction; and an exclusive wine raffle offering the chance to win 100 unique bottles of wine to create your instant wine cellar.
As if that isn’t enough – babysitting will be provided right upstairs from the thrilling event so that parents can enjoy the evening knowing their children are not far and well cared for. Tickets for the dinner are $70 each, although there is an early bird offer of $60 – but only until Easter Sunday so you will have to act fast to take advantage of the savings.
The second part this incredible journey is an exciting mountain scramble consisting of 15 priests and laypeople who will be traveling the entire Centennial Trail in Kananaskis Country. Spanning over 21 kilometers from Ribbon Creek on Highway 40 to Dead Man’s Flats on the Trans Canada, the Centennial Trail is Canada’s highest maintained hiking trail and includes nearly 1,500 meters of elevation gain.
With an ultimate goal of raising $60,000 for the 2014 campaign towards building the St. Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Church in Chestermere, the participants will collect pledges for their inspiring efforts. The hike itself is going to take place on August 9, 2014 and the group expects it will take 10-12 hours to complete.
There are several ways that you can become a part of the journey; donate silent auction items for the dinner, pledge a climber or make a donation, become a corporate sponsor (sponsorship packages available), or attend the fundraising dinner on Saturday June 14th, 2014.
So you might be asking yourself, what does a Catholic Church in Chestermere mean for me, and for my community? At St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish, the mission is to share the fullness and beauty of the Catholic faith through Word and Sacrament in Chestermere and surrounding areas. Their values are not unlike many people within in this community; they include Worship and Prayer, Dignity, Safety, Evangelization, Lifelong Faith Formation, Hospitality, Justice and Stewardship.
For St. Gabriel parishioners, stewardship means sharing their God-given gifts to then be a gift for others. It is a way for them to serve not only God, but their entire community regardless of background. This is obvious when reviewing the extensive list of groups and charities that have been served and sponsored by the people of Chestermere’s Catholic community.
In 2013 alone, over $27,000 was given to groups like the Elizabeth House, Feed the Hungry, Christmas with Dignity; Inn from the Cold; Mission Mexico and countless others. This stewardship and service benefits families, church and the whole community.
“Not only will a church building enable us to heed the first of the great commandments of Jesus: a place to love our God and draw deeper into what the call to love God means by learning more about our faith, but it is also an extension of the second great commandment of Jesus to love out neighbour as ourselves”, says Rev. John Nemanic.
For more information about Angels on High, you can visit www.anglesonhigh.ca or find them on Facebook and Twitter to get the latest information. You can also contact the Pastor, Fr. John Nemanic at the Parish office by calling 403-455-0196 or by emailing office@saintgabriel.ca.
Join the journey!