If you are looking to help fundraise for a certain cause, or would like to start a fundraising project for your own cause in the community of Chestermere or surrounding areas, LegUp.ca is the perfect place for you to start. It all started when Chestermere resident Michelle Young’s husband, suggested that she should check out crowd funding. After some research on her own part, Young stumbled upon LegUp. It gives people the power to fundraise for what they feel is important for their community or surrounding areas; whether it’s small or large scale. Online crowd funding is a way to raise money for charities, needs in the communities such as parks, sports teams in need of equipment, or for businesses who need help starting up with different furniture items.
People who took part in the walk/run on Family Day held by Chestermere Walks will recognize the LegUp.ca site name, as donations were made in signing up for the event. The Chestermere Lake Middle School is also making good use of the site by raising money to build a school in Sierra Leone, which is a challenge that they took on after attending WeDay earlier in October. ”Anyone can start a project about anything–as long as it is legal,” Young laughs, “most of the time, we see the site used in crisis situations to help fundraise for the people affected.” Currently, Young has created a project in order to help the families affected by the five university students who were murdered at a Bermuda Shorts Day Party in Brentwood on April 15th. This fundraising project is aimed to help fundraise for memorial and funeral costs, as well as any other funds that the families may need in their time of grieving. If you would like to participate in the cause, please visit: http://legup.ca/?download=calgary-shows-support-for-the-families-of-5-stabbing-victims
“Chestermere is a very giving town,” says Young, “funding gets a lot of attention here. Considering that this crowd funding approach is web-driven, it’s not hard to donate to a cause anymore. The community can get more involved, and quicker–it takes minutes to put a project up and it’s secured with very trustworthy software.”
If you, or anyone you know loves fundraising and helping with the needs of their community, please visit https://partners.legup.ca as Young is now looking to sign up partners for the LegUp family. For more information, please contact Michelle Young at myoung@legup.ca, or visit the website directly to begin fundraising at www.legup.ca.