On the morning of June 3, the Town of Chestermere Parks Department held the official Communities in Bloom (CIB) Kick-off event. Close to 20 families attended the fun outdoor event at Town Hall, which was designed to increase awareness of the National Communities in Bloom competition that the town is once again participating in while bringing families together.
The children who attended the kick-off each received a flower which they then planted in a flower garden located at the town hall. Additionally, families also got to take home a pansy to plant in their own gardens as well as a CIB garden signs so they can indicate they are participating in the CIP program. According to Megan Matthies, Communications Coordinator, Town of Chestermere, the kids absolutely loved planting flowers and working in the dirt.
For years, studies have shown there are many benefits to children who participate in gardening activities. These benefits not only include exercise and nutrition but also lifelong paybacks including positive social and interpersonal skills, optimistic attitudes toward learning, self-efficacy and enhanced stewardship.
“We had a wonderful kickoff; I really think the kids had a lot of fun,” says Ken Jackson, Parks Supervisor, Town of Chestermere, “I think a couple of the kids would have planted all day if we let them!”
Children can learn new skills, have fun, play and develop self-confidence by spending time in the garden tending plants and growing their own food. Most children already enjoy being outdoors and love digging in the soil so why not invite them to get dirty, create new things and watch plants grow.
There is still time to pick up a yard sign indicating your participation or to enter in the garden competition. Participation in the program simply means you spend some time cleaning up your yards, or by planting flowers, shrubs or trees. No matter how big or small your outdoor space it, you are invited to beautify it which will likely inspire others to do the same.
The national judges will be visiting Chestermere on July 25 to see how we rank compared to other communities participating across the country. The nationwide competition between municipalities is designed to foster civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community involvement.
To enter the yard competition or to find out more information on the Communities in Bloom program in Chestermere please visit the Town’s website at www.chestermere.ca/bloom.