Chestermere has a new addition to the community, and that is an outdoor rink created by the newly founded group called CORA. Established in October 2013, the group’s main goal is to provide Chestermere with more recreational activities to encourage active lifestyles and places for kids to be able to hang out with their friends. The acronym stands for Chestermere Outdoor Recreational Association, and with the help of the CRCA, Town of Chestermere, Chestermere Fire Department, and countless volunteers, the people of Chestermere have an alternative area to go out and enjoy a day of skating.
Carrie Lentz, volunteer with CORA, says that the rink has been successful since its opening on Family Day weekend. “Every time I drive by I see people skating on the rink, which is really great,” Lentz says, “CORA wanted to create a place for kids to be able to go and skate outside of public skating times, and we seem to be achieving that.”
Make no mistake; flooding an outdoor rink is no piece of cake. There are certain weather conditions that need to be present in order to make optimal ice. For instance, if the weather is too cold it is not possible to flood the rink, and if the weather is too warm, it won’t freeze. “Flooding a rink requires a fine balance in the weather,” laughs Lentz, “none of us had ever flooded a rink before, so we learned a lot along the way.” When asked about whether or not CORA was planning to have a grand opening to celebrate the achievement of this new recreational site, Carrie Lentz said that the Chestermere Outdoor Recreational Association is more focused on building facilities rather than credibility. However, she notes that the idea has been talked about, and that a grand opening of sorts could come into planning. On February 20th, CORA organized a family shinny game at the rink, which received a wonderful turnout. Many kids were out of school for Reading Week, and CORA thought it would be a great way to invite people out to the rink during their time off. “The nice thing about this rink is that it wasn’t made to have constant organized games or skating times. If kids want to come and skate at any time, they can come to the outdoor rink,” Lentz states. Now that the outdoor rink’s construction is complete, CORA has begun to increase their focus towards other projects that they have on the go. Some of these projects include the servicing of the baseball diamond behind Chestermere Lake Middle School, as well as the green space behind Our Lady of Wisdom. Lentz believes that the establishment of CORA is what has already been beneficial for the youth of Chestermere, and will continue to grow as more projects are completed. “Recreation is so important,” Lentz says, “sports fields and different recreational options allow kids to alternatively spend their time with one another in a very positive way.” If you’d like to stay updated in any further progress with CORA’s projects, you can visit their official web page: www.corasports.com You can also “like” their Facebook page, and make direct donations on their main website.