Dozens pack public hearing for Waterbridge Development

Massive 2400 acre development gets no opposition

Waterbridge is the newest land development that includes the enormous 2400 acres of land located on the west side of Chestermere stretching from the Trans-Canada highway and as far south as Township Road 240. It lies within the 2009 Chestermere annexation area from Rocky View County and will accommodate a projected population of 46,333 residents living within four communities.
A public hearing for the massive development was heard by Chestermere Town Council on January 20 at the regular council meeting. Town Council already had their First Reading to the Master Area Structure Plan (MASP) for the Waterbridge Development in west Chestermere.
At the recent public hearing, the gallery was packed with residents, developers, and land owners among other interested parties. Heather Kauer, Senior Planner for the Town of Chestermere began with a presentation outlining the findings of the open house in December, as well as shared feedback and recommendations for the MASP that was received from residents and neighbours such as the City of Calgary.
Kauer explains that in order to pass a bylaw, it has to go through three “readings,” before Town Council which means the document has to be brought to a council meeting three times plus there has to be a public hearing before Council can pass / adopt it. “Staff requested that Council pass second reading at this last meeting, but Council decided to table it to the next meeting on February 3rd because there were several minor edits that needed to be done and they wanted to have a cleaner document before them to move forward”, says Kauer.
Kauer addressed some concerns including traffic, wetlands and density. She explained that the Town is currently undergoing the Chestermere Blvd. Corridor study which will assume a future Chestermere population of 80,000 and will analyze traffic function along Chestermere Blvd. with this projection in mind.
It was also noted that it is anticipated that new infrastructure needed to accommodate new development would be paid for by Chestermere Utilities Incorporated and reimbursed through levies by new development and will not require increases to current users.
Much discussion was in regards to the wetlands and more specifically the protection of them. Multiple wetlands have been identified throughout the Waterbridge community and Kauer pointed out that in keeping with the Town’s vision as a “Recreation and Relaxation Oasis,” the MASP incorporates the existing wetlands into developed landscape.
After the lengthy presentation, those in attendance had the opportunity to stand up to speak both in favor and in opposition for the development. Two individuals stood to speak of their support for the project but nobody spoke up in opposition.
According to Kauer, staff will now be requesting that Council pass both 2nd and 3rd Readings on February 3rd and explains that Council has several options around that. “They could pass both – which would mean approval and adoption of the document as a bylaw. Or they could pass 2nd Reading but not 3rd, which would postpone adoption until at least the next meeting. Or they could table 2nd reading again.”
“We tabled second reading to the February 3rd meeting and may consider both second and third at that meeting or Council may make further changes to the document and do third at a later date”, says Mayor Matthews regarding the outcome of the Public Hearing.

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