Fitness as a Priority

I received an email from one of my client’s this week. She was really struggling to find time to build workouts into her overwhelmingly busy schedule. As a small business owner, she struggles to set aside time for herself when juggling all the aspects of owning her own business and choosing time for herself over making money. I didn’t even make it half way through her email before thinking I have heard this before, I have experienced this personally, and I am sure there are many others that struggle with an email response to her and thought this was something that many others struggle with as well.

I wrote an article a couple of weeks ago about a couple of common excuses, time being one of them. I understand and can relate that finding time to workout can be very difficult. I made some suggestions on how to squeeze a short workout in here and there. When considering this and my client’s issue, it didn’t quite relate. My client’s concern isn’t so much about finding the time, it is more about making fitness a priority.

As a small business owner, the family bread-winner or simply trying to make ends meet it makes sense to want to focus time and efforts on making money. When there is the option to make money, schedule a client in hope of making more money, or setting up business to all for better cash flow, it we want to make the most of it.

I like to look at the big picture. What is my goal for fitness? Is it to look good? Be healthy? Improve health or get in shape? We all have our reasons. When struggling to make fitness a priority we need to focus on our reasons why.

Health and longevity are two common and extremely important goals. Consider this: how healthy will your business be if you aren’t healthy? Your health may not be a concern today, but I promise if you choose to ignore your health or put it into second place, it will be an issue later. Your business will only survive if you do.  You won’t be effective in managing a successful business if you can’t maintain your health.  

Try scheduling your workouts your calendar like a meeting.  Time to focus on your personal health and well being.  Start small with 15 to 30 minutes. Will 30 minutes away from the business really make a difference? Look at breaking it up with two 15 minutes sessions away from your work.

I know it can be hard to schedule if you are going from back to back meetings or taking a break from the computer when you are working on something that requires a great deal of focus.  Consider how much more effective will you be if you have that few minutes to focus on yourself.  

If you can’t imagine yourself taking a fitness break in the middle of work, look at scheduling time before or after work. By setting your alarm a half an hour earlier, before the craziness of a busy day takes over, you will enjoy the benefits of a workout for the entire day with more energy and a relaxed mind. While I suggest getting up earlier, I know personally this isn’t an option for me. Most mornings I would sell my soul to the devil for 10 more minutes of sleep and don’t fully open my eyes until I am most of the way through a cup of coffee.

If mornings aren’t an option for you either, the end of the day could be the perfect alternative. A workout at the end of the day will help alleviate tensions from the day and set you up for a great night of uninterrupted sleep.

Consider what works best for you. Build it into your schedule, work hard at meeting those personal appointments. It’s not easy at first, but keep at it. Keep working hard at it and before you know it, the time becomes habit. Work towards that habit and keep your eyes focused on the goal.

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About the author

Tamara Gutierrez

Certified Personal Trainer • Group Fitness Instructor
 • Athletic Coach • Nutrition Coach

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  • I now when I first started out time was a problem but agree it is all about the big picture. So I made it point to get up before my children and get a workout in. I found that I was ready for the day and happy to greet my children in the morning. Great advice

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