Rezoning could open a can of worms

Without prejudge.
As a concerned owner on West Chestermere Drive I have been wondering what happened to the 3rd reading re the two properties beside the new beach park. We have heard nothing about it
and found out the other day why, through the mail box,.
We found a one page 8×11 white sheet in the mail. If you did not look closely you would think another piece of advertising or junk mail and through it out.
I happen to check and it was a notice regarding an application to remove a restrictive covenant for the first two lots beside the beach park by the owner of the first 2 lots in question
What this means is that the applicant who wants to get these 2 lots rezoned for a restaurant had to go to court to get this covenant taken off.
The covenant says that you are not allowed to put anything other than one single family dwelling house with garage etc on any parcel of that land.
This Restrictive Covenant was done in 1976. Personally, I give full credit who ever put that on at that time. Somebody was thinking way ahead, good for him.
The notice said that by taking this covenant off it would be good for the interest of the applicant ( of course) and the general public.
I don.t know why the general public. Look at the location and the traffic problems we will have there down the road.? maybe an accident? would that be in the public’s interest?
Also I was surprised to see that it says in the same note that the Town of Chestermere is generally in agreement with the intention of the owners to build a restaurant on these properties..
I thought enough complains and letters had been send to the Town to stop this.
But I guess I am wrong. I know 96% of the tax base comes from residential, so we need more commercial etc. No problem I agree 100% with that.
But I don.t think, we have to rezone residential lots for this while we have lots of commercial space empty for restaurants around this Town and more commercial space is coming.

So that’s why nobody has heard anything about this rezoning for the last few month or so.

Now The applicant has to go to the Court of Queen’s Bench (sep 4) to get it removed. Is a judge going to spend lots of time on this, while they probably know the Town is in favor of it. I doubt it.
They have enough work to do. Is anybody going to appeal it, I doubt it, You have to hire a lawyer and than still no guarantee you can stop it.
After the court agrees with the applicant and removes the covenant ,he can go back to the Town for the 3rd and final reading and get it passed.
If the Town approves this corner to be rezoned what is next? Anybody can come in and ask for rezoning of a residential area to commercial and they will say you, the Town approved it once. 
I think they are opening up a can of worms. So let it stay as a residential area.
Bettyanne schab

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