On January 25th, the ROC Charity Shop had its grand opening. Located where the Abstract Dance Academy used to be in the plaza on 300 Merganser Drive West, this charity shop offers gently used items that are sold at incredibly low prices. The ROC Charity Shop has something to offer to anybody who needs the extra boost. There is no limit per drop off, consigners are encouraged to bring their items during their open times, and to not leave bags outside the store if it is closed. “Our store is about raising funds to help youth in the community,” says Manager Edith Braimoh, “we also make donations with the funds raised to help free children from the sex trade in Cambodia.”
The belief of the ROC Charity Shop is that by providing these materialist items at such low prices they will be able to lend a helping hand for families and individuals trying to settle in Chestermere, “People with low incomes don’t need the stress of clothing, books, and toys for their young ones on top of everything else, “says Braimoh, “they can start at our store and grab things that they need and then be able to move on with their lives.” With prices as low as fifty cents, the ROC Charity Shop also has a 50% off sale once a month. By doing this, the manager believes it will help to keep traffic up and through different advertising she will be able to spread the word of her store. Braimoh’s vision is of sincere generosity when she states that her primary goal is to help struggling families move their way up. She also states that the reason for the existence of this store is not to make a large profit, it is to be able to donate funds to causes dear to her heart. ”I’ve always donated overseas to Africa, but I decided that I needed to start giving back to my own community as well,” Braimoh shares, “I want to help any way I can.”
This charity shop occupies one of the old dance rooms that was across from the old location of the studio. It is stocked full of clothing, appliances, sheets and blankets, toys, CD’s, books, furniture, and just about everything else a struggling person or family could need. Their store hours are Tuesday–Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. If you have any items that you have been meaning to take into charity, take them in to the ROC Charity Shop in Chestermere. If you have any further questions or want to find out more about this store, you can email rccgchestermere@gmail.com or visit Edith Braimoh at the store level.