If you travel just a few kilometres past Chestermere to the small town of Langdon, you’ll find the hidden treasure that is Prairie Grounds Coffee. A quaint, charming little shop that really gives you that small town, sit and have a coffee with your neighbour, feel.
On Sunday October 5th, the staff of Prairie Grounds took part in the CIBC Run for the Cure in support of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. The team consisted of ten staff from the coffee house and nine others consisting of family and friends. When they started their fundraising, just two weeks before the run, they had set their goal at $800. With days to go before the race, their goal seemed that it would be unreachable – but the Langdon community dug deep and in the end, they ended up raising $2038.65!
The Prairie Grounds team raised money through a variety of avenues. A donation box was set up at the coffee shop where patrons would drop in their change and other donation amounts. They used the website that is specifically set up for the Run for the Cure and Saturday before the run, a close friend to one of the employees and Chestermere resident, Karen Guider, set up a Lia Sophia table at the shop where she donated 20% of all money raised to team Prairie Grounds. Also, to show support to their staff, the owners of Prairie Grounds matched what was raised up to $500.
“We participated because we all have people in our lives that have been affected by this disease and many have felt the impact directly. It was a great way to bond with co-workers and get our community involved in helping an amazing cause.” said Lana Ogston, an employee at Prairie Grounds that participated in the run.
Ogston continues saying, “Our special thanks is to our Manager, Cressida Molyneux, who worked at the shop that morning and bends over backwards for us every day. We love her very much! We also want to send out a huge thank you to the community of Langdon, Karen Guider, and anyone that donated to our team. We are already planning our fundraising for participating again next year.”
They will still be accepting donations until October 31st. To donate you can go to www.runforthecure.com, click donate and search any of the following staff Lana Ogston, Amy Ogston, Daniella Hughes, Carly Fulmes, or Anja Meier.