Ways to help achieve your New Year’s Resolutions

Local opportunities to be successful in your resolutions are abundant

Every year many of us make at least one New Year’s Resolution but how many will succeed in their goals? Here is a list of the top 10 resolutions people make and ways to help Chestermere residents achieve these goals.

Spend more time with family and friends

Who couldn’t benefit from a little more time with loved ones? In Chestermere there are many ways in which you can enjoy friendship and family while building stronger relationships. The first thing that comes to mind is church. Attending church as a family/community strengthens bonds and promotes things like generosity, love, forgiveness and faith. Chestermere has many other activities that families can enjoy together including the Winterfest, Canada Day celebrations, Waterfest and the Country Fair. With the Winterfest coming up in January – why not plan to attend with your family and participate in one of the several activities going on like ice fishing on the lake.


Getting into better shape is a popular resolution for many people and the good news is that in Chestermere there are so many countless ways to be successful, you don’t have to spend hours working out to get into better shape. Lake activities are the first that come to mind, and you can’t help but notice the beautiful new skating rink that has been cleared by the new owners of The Chestermere Landing; so why not strap on the skates and do some laps. Of course in the summer you can work up a sweat stand up paddle boarding or kayaking on the lake as well. If the water does not appeal to you then why not try salsa dance lessons or body sculpting at the Rec Centre. You can plan ahead and start training for the Loop Around the Lake run that is held every September in Chestermere. Looking for someone to train with? Chestermere Walks has many groups that meet weekly to walk on the numerous pathways that meander through our town. Additionally there are many adult and family activities offered throughout town like yoga, volleyball, soccer and hockey.

Tame the Bulge

Although increasing your activity is an excellent way to lose weight, there are other things to keep in mind as well. Eating healthier is key to trimming off those excess pounds and making good decisions about what you put into your mouth is vital. Chestermere is growing and with that comes more options for food. Try skipping the French fries and instead enjoy a smoothie. Pack healthy snacks and lunches when you go out to eliminate any unhealthy temptations that you might encounter. Vegetables and fruits should make up the largest part of your grocery list; they’re rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants, and they are usually low in calories. The Town of Chestermere has a Good Food Box program that provides fresh fruits and vegetables at a low cost.

Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking takes determination. Find a support group like the Chestermere Walks “Smoking Cessations” that meets and walks together regularly. Exercise relieves stress and can also help your body from the damage smoking causes. Visit your doctor or the naturopath at Lifepath Wellness to receive support and guidance while trying to quit smoking.

Enjoy life

In Alberta’s Oasis there is certainly many ways one can enjoy life. Find a balance between work and play by treating yourself to a spa; a massage has many health benefits allowing you to enjoy more of what life has to offer. Perhaps begin a hobby like gardening and if you don’t have enough space for a garden then join the Chestermere Community Garden in tending to a plot of land that the group uses. Take the time to enjoy local theatre such as the Rosebud Dinner Theatre or Aspen Crossing Theatre, both are just a short distance from Chestermere. Get out of the house and meet your neighbours, get involved in your community…so many opportunities await you.

Quit drinking alcohol

There are only about a gazillion benefits to not consuming alcohol and ironically, most of the other resolutions on this page would most likely come easier if you quit drinking. Sometimes changing your environment is needed to help with this goal, rather than visiting establishments or friends’ houses that frequently serve liquor, try socializing in coffee shops, the public library or in other ways that you will not be tempted to have a drink. If you think that you might have a problem with addiction then talk to a doctor or councillor for further help.

Get out of debt & save money

Deciding to live in Chestermere is a good start. With lower housing prices, yet all the conveniences of living close to the big city, your mortgage will be paid down sooner allowing for you to begin saving money. To make your dollar stretch, concentrate on shopping local whenever possible rather that wasting money on gas driving back and forth to Calgary and watch for savings and coupons in your local newspaper and flyers. Chestermere has many opportunities for free entertainment so keep informed on ways to take advantage of everything it has to offer rather than throwing your money away on expensive entertainment. There are countless organizations and groups that are continuously planning new and fun events for residents to come together which cost very little including the upcoming Winterfest. With more than one option for banking you should have no problem finding a financial institution in town that can help you with debt reduction and offer advice. Or save money on your taxes by having a professional do your income taxes, possibly saving you hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Learn something new

Lifelong learning is the process of keeping your mind and body engaged–at any age–by actively pursuing knowledge and experience. Chestermere is filled with people who are willing to share their talents. A simple google search shows the countless opportunities our small town offers including pottery, golf, sailing or learning an instrument just to name a few. Recently, Community Services hosted a new event which will be ongoing, to teach residents about multicultural celebrations. Maybe you would like to learn more about municipal government in which case attending a town council meeting may be beneficial – there is always something new to learn there. If history is your thing than you might consider getting involved in the Chestermere Historical Society to learn about the early days of this area. Visiting the library would be an excellent source to learn just about anything – with books available on just about every topic. And for those who already know it all – why don’t you arrange to visit a school where you can volunteer to share your knowledge with youth, who knows – they just might teach you something.

Help others

Living in a community, no matter how big or small means you are never alone, so it’s safe to guess that there will always be someone who could use your help. When people help each other and work together for the good of others, they feel more connected to both themselves and others, thereby strengthening their communities. The resolution to help others is probably the easiest one to achieve because there are so many opportunities to give your time, your treasures, and your talents. Chestermere is filled with generous and kind people who actively help others in big and small ways – both equally important. You can volunteer your time to mentor a child, or stock shelves at the local food bank. Some residents have recently organized a toy drive that was overwhelming successful and benefitted numerous families in need. There are so many organizations in Chestermere that are working hard to make a global and local difference including the Knights of Columbus and Catholic Women’s League, the Chestermere Lions, Lake Ridge Community Church and Chestermere’s Christmas with Dignity, among many others. Whether you find your own unique way to help others or join an organized group the rewards you will receive will surely bring you much happiness. “I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy, I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.” –Mother Theresa

Get organized

Stop procrastinating – clean that closet that has been bugging you all year or decide to finally tackle your unsightly yard. But remember that you don’t have to do it alone – Chestermere has several landscaping companies that would love to help with your yard chores and housecleaning companies can assist with either a onetime clean or regular cleans so that you can have time to do other things. Wondering what to do with all the waste that has piled up? Take it to the Chestermere Public Works yard to recycle; they accept many items including cardboard, electronics, clothing, paper and yard waste such as grass, leaves and even Christmas trees. No more reason to procrastinate – there’s people who can help so time to get organized!

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Staff Writer

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