The weather on Saturday, January 25 could not have been nicer for the Chestermere Winterfest. Sunshine was abundant and so were the people.
The fun-filled day’s activities began with the Babushka’s Pancake Breakfast at the Rec Centre put on by The Chestermere Knights of Columbus. Holding strong to the groups founding principles of faith, fraternity, charity and patriotism, the volunteer men served up pancakes, sausages and eggs to over 500 people.
Once everyone had belly’s full, most headed over to the Main Hall or ‘Red Square’ to visit the ATCO Frost Free Zone where children could try their skills at the Olympic indoor challenges. A trapeze station allowed those brave enough to hang upside down and learn some impressive moves on the swinging bars. There was also a balloon artist, face painting, bobsled racing and a craft centre set up for lantern making.
Outside in ‘Little Siberia’, aka Epcor Artic Zone kids and parents alike tired themselves out playing in the Road to Russia maze while learning fun facts about the Olympics in Sochi. Igloo building and sleigh rides were ongoing and the ice carving station was popular with the little ones who were learning how to carve a winter wonderland. Pascal Hinni from Frozen Memories showed off his skills of professional ice carving, turning huge blocks of ice into amazing ice sculptures in just minutes.
At 12:30, the biggest spash was made at the 6th annual Polar Dip where YELL saw the largest turn to date. Two dozen community members from councillors and MLA’s, youth and church leaders, RCMP members and of course a polar bear, all took their turn plunging into the frigid waters in front of a cheering crowd. But they didn’t do it because they are all crazy; they did it to raise funds for YELL (Youth Encouraging Lasting Leadership) which is a program run under Synergy.
According to Brennan Dressler; the Youth Leader for YELL, close to $4,000 was raised which YELL will use toward youth programming within Chestermere. “On behalf of YELL and Synergy I would like to thank all of the dippers who helped to raise so much money to support the YELL Youth Council”, said Dressler.
Back inside at 2:30 p.m. was the charity hockey game between members of Chestermere Fire & Police vs. The Wannabees. Admission to the game was a donation to the Food bank. Intermissions between periods included fun and games, featuring a human puck toss with Mayor Patricia Matthews. The Emergency Services team won the game with a score of 5-4 and approximately $1000 was raised for the Chestermere Regional Food bank.
As the day wore on, some families headed towards the Public Library where the Russian Tea House was located. Besides enjoying a cup of authentic Russian tea, you could also enjoy craft activities including Faberge eggs and lantern making. Then at 5:30, families participated in a lantern parade while they waited for the Fireworks to be set off at John Peake Park.
Hot chocolate and a bonfires kept everyone warm while they watched the spectacular fireworks hosted by CIBC. It was a wonderful way to end a perfect day. Town employees can rest easy knowing they did a fantastic job planning the event again this year.