10 Biggest Myths about Christmas Trees

Myth 1- Real trees are cut down from forests

• To be accurate,in a few locations; around North America the Forest Service sells permits for people to harvest wild trees. They do this in places to create fire breaks. But it is a very tiny percentage of all trees used. Most trees come from a farm where someone plants them. And each year, growers plant on to three seedlings for each tree harvested.

Myth 2 – You save a tree by using a fake tree

• This is tied to myth 1. There are ads for fake trees that say “save a tree” of course this is false. The trees are planted in crops by farmers to use specifically as Christmas Trees. Close to half a billion trees re currently growing on tree farms in the U.S. alone. The really ironic part of the ad for the fake tree is one
of the selling points is that it comes in a sturdy cardboard box. Uhhh how is that saving a tree?

Myth 3 – Real Christmas Trees aggravate allergies.

• A summary of sources ( Asthma and mmunology,National nstitute of Environmental Health and
Science ) claim that while it is possible to be allergic to tree pollen or even tree sap,it’s not as wide spread as many believe. We have read that in rare cases, people can have an allergy to certain species of tree sap.
• As for pollens,which certainly can be an allergen to people,a real tree itself is unlikely to produce pollen during December, or even if it did,pollens from pines are not a known allergen. Most allergies are specific
to one tree. But being outdoors for years in a field,a Christmas Tree can collect pollens, dust mould or other allergens. Of course so can an artificial tree stored in the attic or the basement.
• f you are sensitive to any of these things, you could spray the tree down in the yard with a hose before putting it up. Let it dry completely before bringing it indoors.

Myth 4 – It is better to use a fake tree because you can re-use it each year.

• That is a very short sighted perspective. According to research, most fake trees are only used for 6-9 years before they are disposed. Even if you would use one for 20 years or more,it will eventually be thrown away and end up in a landfill,and unlike real trees, which are biodegradable and recyclable, fake trees are always a burden to the environment

Myths S – Christmas Trees are a fire safety hazard and frequently catch on fire.

• You would certainly think so by watching the local “action newsff on tv. Each year, an image gets shown on TV of a tree bursting into flames. ntending to scare people. The reality is, a tree being accidently ignited is EXTREAMLY rare. As in 0.0004°/o — Those images of trees burning? They are often aided by gas or lighter fluid.

Myth 6 – Real Trees cost too much.

• Like anything else,you can find a wide range of prices,and spend what you want to spend. It all depends on what you are looking for. Prices vary by many variables including: type of tree, size,shape etc.

Myth 7 – Fake trees are fireproof.

• Uh no – they are not. They catch fire every year. According to a report from the National Fire Protection Association,28°/o of home fires involving a Christmas tree were a fake one.

Myth 8 – Real Christmas trees have pesticides and chemicals on them.

• Christmas tree farmers do not use chemicals in a “harmful” manner. Chemicals are used ONLY when needed and ONLY according to the specified instructions and regulation for the FDA. Christmas tree farmers live on their land and raise their families there. They would not engage in activity that would put their families, employees or the people they sefl to in harm’s way. To suggest otherwise is at best
uninformed and worst offensive.

Myth 9 – Real Christmas Trees end up in landfills.

• Christmas Tree recycling programs are available nationwide,and many are quite creative. A farm-grown Christmas Tree is 100% biodegradable, so it can be used for all kinds of things in nature, from mulch to erosion control. Fake tree? See myth #4 – Most communities have curb side pick up as part of their recycling program.They are not being “thrown in the trash” or ending up in landfills.

Myths 10 – Real Christmas Trees are a hassle and a mess.

– It’s all relative. The first thing to ask someone if they say “I don’t want a real tree because I might have to vacuum up needles” is this: Does that mean you don’t vacuum normally? I mean,vacuuming should be a regular household chore all year long. So what if the tree drops some needles…you are going to vacuum anyways right?
• Second, who says it has to be a hassle? There are many places to buy a tree and all offers something a little different. (We have the best trees,so they don’t need to go anywhere else!! )
We offer different types,and all at different costs.
• Third,there are many different types of tree stands. There are funnels,cleverly designed to blend into the tree,that make adding water easier. Round mats with waterproof backing to put under the stand so if water drops, it doesn’t stain the floor.

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