The holiday season is always full of craziness and hectic days spent shopping, cleaning, baking, planning and a bazillion other things. With all of that going on, it is no wonder that the true spirit of the season can be forgotten and when this story came to me, well something this magical just had to be shared.
When Chestermere resident, Becky VanEyk, heard this magical story from one of her co-workers, she knew it was a heartwarming story that needed to be told.
During the weekend of December 5th, VanEyks co-worker, who wished to remain unnamed) was shopping at a Calgary Safeway purchasing food items for their unit’s food bank drive. Every Christmas the nurses of this unit get together and collect food for the Veterans food bank. But what happened this year while she was doing her shopping was nothing short of a Christmas miracle.
“I have to tell you a wonderful story! As many workplaces do, our neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Calgary, Alberta, gathers together a Christmas box to donate to a charitable organization, and for the last few years, our choice has been the Veterans’ Food Bank, which is a great decision, although I am appalled that those who risked their lives for our blessed country have to resort to a food bank. But that’s another discussion. So this morning, I was at a Safeway’s, picking up things from tea and coffee to polident to stew to pasta, and ended up pushing my laden cart to one of the only two stations open. As I was unloading, the line behind me got longer and longer and I could see a few eye rolls, as people realized this was going to take a while. Then I asked the cashier if there were boxes available, as this was going to a food bank, and boxes would be easier to handle. There weren’t any boxes, but the question did get me some attention from those in line”.
The people in the line around her asked her “This is for a food bank?” to which she responded and told them that it was for the Veterans Food Bank. One even remarked “but there is pet food in there” to which she responded explain that some of the Veterans to own pets and have to feed them “I didn’t mention that sometimes pets are the only companions”, she said.
“Then the tall gentlemen next in line to me, who had three items in his hand, said quietly, “I’d like to pay for this.” I was a little startled, but thought about it, thanked him, and said he could make any contribution he would like. “No Ma’am, I mean I want to pay for it all.” “Oh, that’s very generous of you, but I couldn’t let you do that.” “Please, Ma’am, I’m from Texas, visiting your country, and I really want you to let me do this for your Canadian veterans. Please.” What could I do but shake his hand, thank him and wish him a safe trip home. The bill he paid was $457.57. I don’t know what his three items cost in addition. The cashier was openly weeping, many in the line were sniffling, and I could only give thanks for the generosity of a stranger”.
She ended her story saying, “A truly wonderful experience, epitomizing the Christmas season. I would love my generous Texas stranger/neighbour to know that many many people appreciate his quiet donation to our veterans.”
Although this specific instance happened in our neighbouring city to the west, here in Chestermere we too see these magical acts of kindness. Residents proudly share their touching stories of having their coffee paid for by a complete stranger, someone helping cover the cost of a youngsters purchase when they don’t quite have enough pocket money at the register and even when one of our furry residents goes missing and neighbours rally to get them back to their owners.
Tis’ the season for a little holiday magic!