Chestermere City Council Passes First Of Its Kind Bylaw

New Waste Management Bylaw Effective August 1st

On Monday June 15th, 2015, the City Council passed a new Waste Management Bylaw No 008-15. This Bylaw is the first of its kind in all of Canada.
Here are some highlights of the new Bylaw:
Although it will be mandatory to recycle and compost now in Chestermere, residents will have more time to learn the ropes of the new system. Enforcement will follow the City of Calgary Bylaw timelines and changes at their landfills. It will be mandatory to recycle beginning in February of 2016 and mandatory composting will begin in 2018. The focus continues to be on education on the new curbside program.
Beginning August 1, 2015 one bag of trash will be allowed at the curb. This bag can weigh up to 55lbs. Also allowed in this trash will be one privacy bag. This bag can be the same size as your standard grocery bag. It must be placed untied in the clear bag.
Also unique to this Bylaw are items deemed regulated by Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resources; these will not be allowed in Chestermere’s garbage. This includes computers, accessories from computers, beverage containers, tires and paint.
This new Bylaw affects all residents, commercial entities, institutes, multifamily homes and builders within the City of Chestermere.
On CUI’s website, they have issued a statement on how they feel the program is running so far. “We knew it wouldn’t be easy, and yes, there have been some hiccups along the way. Thank you everyone for your patience during the past few weeks of the initial delivery of your new blue and green cart services. In the very short time since the carts have been rolling to the curbs, you have all pitched in and WOW, we are absolutely thrilled with the incredible results that we are already seeing. A special thank you to everyone who have contacted us directly with their questions and great suggestions about these new programs. We truly appreciate the constructive feedback and as always, we encourage our residents to call or email us with any issues, concerns or suggestions you may have. From these conversations with you, we will continue to work on the program, streamlining the services and making it as easy as possible to find the information you are looking for”.
Please see the CUI website at or the City of Chestermere website at for a complete copy of the new Bylaw.

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