Chestermere has a long standing reputation of being a beautiful place to call home. The parks are well landscaped and maintained, the beaches are inviting and residents take pride in the curb appeal of their homes and yards. The City of Chestermere has always encouraged residents to do their part in the beautification of our city and this year is no different.
The Chestermere In Bloom initiative is organized by the city parks department in hopes that businesses and residents will get involved and do their part to make Chestermere just that much more beautiful. This year’s theme is Red & White in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Canadian Flag.
The Chestermere In Bloom program is a three part event. In early May there was the Spring Clean Up sponsored by Tim Hortons were residents and city staff joined together to pick up trash and clean up some public areas in Chestermere.
The next part of the program occurred on Tuesday June 2nd when residents were invited to come over to the Municipal Building and help put in new plants in the flower beds surrounding the building. Families with their little ones came out and were provided a beautiful plant to add to the flower beds and then they were given a plant to take home and plant in their yard at home. With rain boots on and shovels in hand, some of Chestermere’s smallest residents took to the task at hand and doing their part in adding to the beauty of our city.
Members of Council and Mayor Patricia Matthews were also there to take part in the planting fun. Mayor Mathews commented, “Chestermere in Bloom is a fantastic way for the community to participate in beautifying Chestermere. Our Streetscape Committee works hard with the City’s Park’s staff to really bring this project to life and we are hoping to see more and more community members partaking in this program as it grows. Thanks to all the little tykes that came out to plant a little flower in the beds in front of City Hall and to all the volunteers who make this City so beautiful”.
The third part to this is that now it’s your turn Chestermere. You now have until July 27th to enter your yard, or your neighbour’s yard to show what you’ve done to help beautify Chestermere. Businesses are also encouraged to get involved.
Here are a few ways that you and your family can get involved:
- Plant flowers in your yard or in a container to indicate your participation in Chestermere in Bloom.
- Pick up a small free sign from the Municipal Building or Public Works to put in your front yard indicating your participation in Chestermere In Bloom.
- Tidy up your yard (Rake debris, remove deadwood on shrubs, cut back perennials, etc.).
- Plant some flowers
- Mow your lawn and leave clippings on the lawnCiB Sign
- Plant a tree
- Sign up for a plot in the Community Garden ($50 to purchase plot, $30 to get it back)
- Sign up your front yard or nominate a neighbour’s front yard for the competition
Enter your front yard, your neighbors front yard or your business store front at wplummer@telus.net . 5 prizes will be drawn from all entries for gift card prizes.
So let’s see whatcha’ got Chestermere!