When you think of Christmas stories, there are likely a few traditional classics that come to mind. But every once in a while a new story emerges and quickly becomes a holiday must have.
One might think that writing a new Christmas story might be, well close to impossible, as how do you write something that keeps with the magical stories of the times. Well, for author Neil Enock, he has written something exactly that……magical.
Neil Enock is an author, actor, screenwriter, filmmaker and creator/host of the million plus viewed TrainTalk.TV iTunes podcast. Neil tells original stories in everything he does from his written work to his hand-made cribbage boards. While Trains have been a part-time hobby since he was a boy, in his first Novel, Doc Christmas, Neil gives trains the full-time leading role in making Christmas happen.
When not writing, Neil can be most often found on one side of the camera or the other, filming something around Calgary with some or all of his family in tow.
The journey of this beautiful story began when its author was just a small child. “Like many, I got my first train set when I was quite young. My mother got me a train set for Christmas and I took it from there. Thomas the Tank engine had no place in our house though – it was an electric train! Trains had always been a part of our lives. We had taken a train to Montreal for EXPO where had shown off the ‘latest’ Via Rail train – the short-lived ‘Aero’ train which I thought was streamlined and very cool. Later, we even took a train on our family’s move out west – which was another adventure on its own”
From there, Enoch explained that he joined a model railroad club to get more involved and learned how electronics worked so he could make the trains go and control them properly. “I learned logic and planning in train operations to move multiple trains around the single main line. I learned woodworking for bench work and modeling skills of all sorts to try and make things look just right”.
He then decided on his own railroad name, took over a space in the basement and set about creating his masterpiece. Unfortunately, not too long after that he became consumed with school, socializing and, well, things other than trains.
“Years later my son’s mother moved into a home beside a ‘Live Steam’ railroad association that was just moving into their new location and getting started on their 5 year plan to build their railroad. She thought I should help out because my son seemed to like trains. I did, and soon afterwards, myself and a couple of others got elected as officers of the club. We completed the majority of the 5 year’s track work in about 1.5 years. (I really dig my teeth in when I get going)”, explained Enock. “While I am currently writing, producing and directing several film projects, it is only fitting that the first literary project that I will do, is all about the magic of Christmas and the magic of trains. I do hope you like it!”
‘Doc Christmas’ is set in present times, where all the Christmas deliveries are handled through the world’s railways and model trains. The elves are more technically advanced than most people and magic and science coexist in perfect harmony. Doc Christmas tells the tale of Doctor Archibald Stevens’ journey from reclusive hermit to Christmas savior and all the fantastic discoveries he makes along the way.
Doc Stevens, has lost the love of his life and because of that has distance himself from what family he has left and all that matters to him now is his work as a world-renowned specialist in rare infectious diseases. But when Nick and the others at the North Pole end of fighting a plague that puts all of Christmas in danger, Doc Stevens is just the man for the job to save Christmas….but only if he can open his heart and find his Christmas spirit again.
Through this adventure of family, Christmas spirit and the magic of trains, you’ll discover the true reason for why there is a train around the tree at Christmas time and the power of family love.
Pick up your copy of ‘Doc Christmas’ today and add it to your holiday traditions.