On Saturday March 28th, the Chestermere Public Library held a birthday bash to celebrate the fabulous Dr. Suess, who was born March 2, 1904. The party kicked off with a showing of ‘The Lorax’ – which tells the story of the plight of the environment and the Lorax, who speaks for the trees against the greedy Once-ler.
Following that there was Dr. Suess themed treats, craft and storytelling which had the children captivated.
Library President, Aubrey Fletcher, had this to say about events at the library, “the library really is the heart of the community in many ways. Without a ‘Main Street’, and with so many residents leaving Chestermere for work each day, the library provides that safe and relaxing place people crave in a community. By hosting events such as the Dr Seuss Party, we are letting the citizens of Chestermere know that we care, we want to bring them together in meaningful ways, and we want to continue to be that hub of the community. Ensuring our youngest residents and their families understand the importance of literacy, and showing some of the many ways in which one can engage in the process of attaining those skills is extremely important. We are so fortunate to live in a country that is committed to and values education. Library collections and programs are just one way we access the benefits of that commitment”.
Former Library Board President, Ruth Wright, added, “The Library and the Foundation want to have events on occasion, to draw in members of the community that might not come out on an ordinary day, or who might build a stronger connection with others, while attending the event in a Hub of the community…our Library”.
Aubrey went onto say, “Both the Chestermere Public Library and the Chestermere Public Library Foundation are looking for passionate and committed volunteers. If you are interested in joining either one of these organizations please connect with the library staff and stay tuned for more library news!”
This event was also the kick-off of the Spring Reading Program. If you’d like more information on this program or other library services and programs, please visit http://www.chestermerepubliclibrary.com/