In 2006, census numbers showed that the population of Langdon was 2,617 residents. Seven years later, that number rose to 4,897 and there has been no slowdown in the hamlets growth. People are drawn to the Langdon community for its small town feel, close knit community and the businesses that are now setting up shop there.
Most of this population growth is young families and with that comes the need and desire for things to do, for adults and kids. Then there is the challenge of letting the community know what is available in town.
On September 10th, 2015, Langdon held its first Energizer Night at the Langdon Field House. Energizer Night is an evening where organizations and clubs in the community gather so that residents can check them out and see what groups are in their area.
Debra Carrobourg, a long-time residents of Langdon, was one of the organizers of this first time event. “The Langdon Community Collaborative (LCC) decided to host a Langdon Energizer Night to showcase to Langdonites what services are available in our community”, said Carrobourg.
Twenty one organizations participated in the Energizer Night, with many more being interested but had a conflict due to other commitments. “The event will continue to grow as organizations and residents hear about it”, said Carrobourg.
There was quiet the variety of organizations present: Langdon Community Collaborative, Langdon Theatre Group, PCN Walking Group, Indus Ringette, Bow Valley Curling Club, Indus Figure Skating, Ulmer School of Irish Dancing, Okudamashi Martial Arts, Langdon Community Association, Jenn D Yoga, Chestermere United FC, Fit Kids Chestermere, CLS Minor Basketball, Expressions Dance Gallery, Synergy, ParentLink, Formative 5, KidSport, Chestermere Public Library, FCSS, and Chestermere Regional Recreation Centre.
Carrabourg continued saying, “I think we had approximately 75 people come through the doors to see what is available”.
The concept of Energizer Night may be new to Langdon, but to the neighbouring community of Chestermere, Energizer Night has been going on for years. Just as with the Chestermere event, the LCC will be hosting a second Langdon Energizer Night on January 7, 2016 from 7-9 pm.
“I would like to thank the LCA for donating the use of the Fieldhouse for the Langdon Energizer Night. Thank you to Lisa and Tanya for helping me organizer the event. Huge thank you to participants and Langdon residents who made the night a success. And thank you to Chantelle and the ball hockey boys who helped set up the tables,” remarked Carrabourg.