On Thursday, May 14 a local family from Chestermere travelled to Edmonton for the Alberta March for Life 5km walk. This event is held annually by the Alberta March for Life Association, a pro-life group whose mission is to support the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death and the dignity of disabled people.
This year was the 8th year that the peaceful outdoor march was held in Edmonton and it is the 4th year that the Wourms family has attended with nearly 5,000 others. Owen and Karen Wourms, along with their four children really enjoy the opportunity to participate in the yearly event which is designed to raise public awareness regarding pro-life issues.
“I attend the March for Life in support of women’s rights,” said Owen Wourms, “Female babies are more frequently aborted than male babies, women who have suffered through an abortion are at higher risk of developing breast cancer and they are also at a greatly increased risk for mental health issues. I march for a woman’s right to life and to health.”
The March began downtown with music and prayer for the unborn who have lost their lives to abortion, and the singing of O Canada. Then together, participants followed the march route, led by the Knights of Columbus, to the Alberta Legislature and then back downtown.
Karen Wourms, a Registered Nurse, said that she marches for the unborn who do not have a voice. “The babies in utero are at the mercy of their mother, and the healthcare professional that the woman consults for her prenatal care. I believe that life begins at conception and that this life should be valued and protected.”
“I believe that when a man and woman join together in the conception of a child, it is because something went right, not wrong,” said Wourms, “Fertility is a gift and babies should be embraced and loved, not disposed of. I believe that babies only get one chance at life and that they should get that chance, even if their prognosis is poor. I believe that a baby should have the chance to be born, held and loved, even if only for a short time here on earth.”
“I believe genetic testing can be misleading. I also believe that a child born with special needs teaches us lessons in compassion and patience. I believe that adoption should be more frequently considered,” states Karen who adds, “The National Adoption Center states: There are no unwanted children. Just unfound families,” said WOurms who added that there ae no disturbing images displayed at this rally.
“The Alberta March for Life Association does not allow any abortion imagery within, at, or surrounding the event.”
The March is open to all denominations and all persons who support Pro-Life ideals are invited to attend. The next March is scheduled for Thursday, May 12th 2016.
Please visit www.albertamarchforlife.com for more information.
I was shocked and highly offended by this article. Chestermere is no longer a ‘town’, it is a city, and becoming a city means not publishing articles that are so blatantly WRONG! Breast cancer and mental health??! Who does your fact checking?? Jesus? Give me a break! Women who have abortions may be at higher risk of mental problems because they’ve been raped, abused, or neglected!! Not the abortion!! Thanks for reminding me that this is, indeed, still a small town, with small minds.