In a community like ours, where we are growing by leaps and bounds, it goes without saying that with increased population comes the need for improving and increasing the services that keep our community safe. With that comes the need for new facilities – or at least improving the existing building – which is exactly what has been a long project for the Chestermere RCMP Detachment.
On June 9, 2015, after a long extensive renovation, the Chestermere RCMP Detachment officially opened and a ribbon cutting ceremony took place. The project included adding actual holding cells, as prior to this addition, offenders would be transported to Strathmore which then took our RCMP officers out of reach for the duration of time it would take to get to Strathmore and back. Also, the new building as a containment garage for vehicles. So, should a vehicle need to be seized, they now have a secure place to hold it until it can be processed.
The Chestermere Detachment has 17 full-time members and four administrative staff. Additionally numerous specialized RCMP sections are available to support the Chestermere RCMP Detachment members on a call-by-call basis and include: Air Services, Auto Theft Sections, Commercial Crime Sections, Drug Enforcement Sections, Emergency Response Team, Federal Enforcement Sections, Forensic Identification, General Investigations, Major Crimes Sections, Police Dog Service teams, Tech Crime – ICE and Traffic Analyst.
The Chestermere RCMP detachment also works closely with other RCMP detachments including the Strathmore detachment. There are also big benefits now that the RCMP Detachment is joined to the Emergency Services building. The combined buildings are often referred to as the Protective Services Building. The public is welcome to attend to the front main doors and inquire with the RCMP front counter staff on whatever their protective services inquiries are. The friendly RCMP front counter staff will direct them to the appropriate agency whether it be police, fire or bylaw services.
With the building finally completed, the ribbon cutting held – the only thing left to do was to hold a grand opening where the public was invited to attend and get their chance to check out the building and meet the members of the Chestermere RCMP. What sounded like a simple grand opening though was in fact an afternoon of honour, pride and tradition.
It is the tradition of the RCMP that when a new detachment is opened in a Municipality, if it is taking the place of an old detachment, the Canadian flag is lowered at the old detachment, marched to the new detachment where it is then raised. In this case, this was more a renovation and not so much replacing an old building, so the tradition was slightly modified for this event. Members of the Chestermere RCMP gathered at the Chestermere Municipal Building where they lowered the flag there, respectfully folded it and then marched over to the new detachment. Dressed in the red serge, the officers paraded down Windermere Blvd and then turned down Chestermere Blvd until they reached East Chestermere Drive and headed to the detachment. As people stopped along the way to watch this impressive scene, although in the middle of the afternoon, it was if the city stood in silence showing their respect and appreciation for the men and women that serve and protect our community. As they proudly made their way to the new detachment, the RCMP helicopter circled above and as the officers reached the new detachment where the public and members of Emergency Services were waiting, the RCMP helicopter landed on the driveway of the fire station. With the RCMP members standing at attention, the flag was respectfully raised as the national anthem was played.
Master of Ceremonies, Cpl. Paul Zanon, gave welcoming remarks and spoke to the importance of having this level of services in Chestermere and how they benefit the community. Pastor Dawn Nelson provided the Convocational Prayer and the Dedication Prayer where she asked for the safe keeping of those that serve out of Chestermere’s detachment and also the residents of Chestermere.
Special guest speakers included Deputy Mayor Christopher Steeves, MLA Leela Aheer, MP Kevin Sorenson could not attend but sent a letter to be read by master of ceremonies, MLA Stephanie Mclean of Calgary Varsity who was the Representative for the Government of Alberta, Chief Superintendent Franklin Smart– District Officer – Southern Alberta District and Deputy Commissioner Marianne Ryan – Commanding Officer – “K” Division.
Along with the guest speakers, other honoured guests were Sgt. Jennifer Jackson – Staff Sergeant Major Designate, City Councillors Gail Smith, Stu Hutchison, Heather Davies, Patrick Watson, City of Chestermere CAO Dr. Randy Patrick and Staff Sergeant Glenn Henry – Former Chestermere Detachment Commander.
Closing Remarks were given by Sgt. Mark Wielgosz – Acting Detachment Commander and ‘God Save The Queen’ played as the ceremony ended. Members of the public were then invited to check out the helicopter, take a tour of the new detachment and also speak with members of the RCMP.
Acting Detachment Commander, Sgt. Mark Wielgosz commented, “After many weeks of planning and a few last minute changes I think the event went very well. While we lowered the Canadian flag at City Hall we were joined by several spectators from the park as well as business employees nearby and city hall staff. As we marched through the streets led by our Traffic Services motorcycle units, motorists were very accommodating, and it was nice to see the support from the community as people stopped to take photos and waited for us to pass by the Landing on our way to the detachment. After the ceremonies it was encouraging to see the level of support from our community in the form of their attendance and open engagement with our members in conversation. The helicopter was also certainly a hit with kids hopping into the pilot seat and remaining behind to see it take off”.
Sgt. Wielgosz went on to say that “I believe community events such as this serve not only to show the community the resources available to them, but to build positive relationships with the members of our detachment in the spirit of cooperation and a joint approach to community safety”. He went on to express his appreciation by saying, “I would like to express my thanks first to the community, our elected officials, and guests of honour for their continued support and attendance to our grand opening. I would also like to express a special thanks to our many volunteers from Strathmore Regional Victim Services unit who in no small way helped during this event with the barbecue and handing out refreshments during day”.
Deputy Mayor, Christopher Steeves, commented, “Today’s celebration is a culmination of 10 years of hard work and dedication from the detachment, our officers, and our residents. On behalf of our City Council, I’d like to congratulate all those who made this new building possible. it was an honor to be a part of this celebration. From the procession and the helicopter, to our speakers, honored guests, volunteers and the residents who came out, it was a perfect day.”
“Today was a celebration about the new detachment office, but this celebration is about more than the bricks and mortar, it’s about the officers who serve here and those who have served in the past decade and the vital role they play in our community. Not just because of the job they do, but because they are part of our community and part of our family.” said Deputy Mayor Steeves.