With the new garbage, recycling and composting programs well under way, there is still no shortage of questions. What goes where? What days is pick up? When do the bins go out? Here is some important tips to remember:
Please ensure your carts and bags of garbage are at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on the day of your collection. Collection may begin promptly at 7:00 a.m. as there is no set route for the collector on the collection day.
Please ensure only organic are placed inside the green carts.
Here is a list of what is acceptable in the green carts:
Plate scrapings, bread, noodles, rice, beans, grains, egg shells & dairy products, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, bones, shellfish, coffee filters, tea bags, jams, sauces, salad dressings & cooking oil, paper plates, napkins, kitty litter & pet waste (collect these in a compostable or paper bag and then put in green bin). Branches and pruning’s are acceptable but should be smaller than 1 metre (3 ft.) and 15 cm (6″) in diameter, and placed inside either the green cart of a paper yard waste bag, or bundled separately with non-plastic string.
Do not place plastic bags, diapers, wipes, sanitary items, foam cups, food containers or packaging, single serve coffee pods, plastic container or medical waste.
Blue bins are meant for paper, cardboard, foil, tin cans, plastic jugs and containers as long as they have a recycle symbol with a number of 1-7 and beverage containers.
Do not place foam, glass, scrap metal, clothing, shoes, toys, food or yard waste in your blue cart.
If you have noticed an orange tag on your cart, this is to let you know that something needs to be corrected for the next collection. Your cart will still be collected. If your cart has been tagged and turned around it means that you have a large amount of contamination in your cart and it is not to be collected. Please do not turn these carts back around. Keeping contamination out of the carts assists with keeping costs of the program low.
If you have any questions about what goes where, please visit www.cuinc.ca or email TrashTalk@cuinc.ca