Red Ribbon only Fifty One Days Away!



For newcomers to Chestermere don’t miss the 26th Annual Chestermere Ag Society Country Fair and Red Ribbon Competition September 11th and 12th 2015. For these many years it has been held on the grounds of the Chestermere Rec Centre in partnership with the Fun Country Riders who hold their annual gymkhana ( not to be missed if you love horses!).

Along with all the regular features of the Red Ribbon Competition (adult and child bench categories in all areas of art, craft, baking, photography, preserving etc) there are a number of new events. For kids Gr 4-6, a category to showcase the veggies you have grown yourself! (Special prizes too!) Even if hail has ruined your garden, there is still time to grow lettuce, spinach and even some radishes! The Zucchini Car Races are back by popular demand ( wheels and axels are provided just decorate your zucchini) plus a new open section where you CAN bring your own wheels. Check the Chestermere Red Ribbon Facebook page under Notes, for specifications.

And in Quilting, a new category “My First Quilt”, as well as a chance to let fair attendees vote for their favourite. This year celebrity judges Wade and Candace from Garden Scents will be there to help judge the horticulture entries then join you for a glass of wine up in the Curling Rink Lounge for “View from the Top” at 7pm where you can visit with them, ask gardening questions and watch the rest of the judging down below in the curling rink. Also, Gwendolyn Richards, Herald columnist and food blogger will be there to judge and also visit with you up in the lounge. She has just published her first book, “Pucker” and will be available to sign copies for you at ‘View from the Top’ as well.

New for baking this year will be Cinnamon Buns, Cake any type, and Bread any other. To really challenge you, make ‘Rosemary’s Lemon Bars’ with the recipe provided in the booklet and see if YOURS taste the best! The handicraft section also has a new entry, Felting. To not miss any categories not mentioned here, get a copy of the Red Ribbon Booklet. These have been distributed to schools (thanks to the Faucher Family and Carol Smailes) plus they are available at the Chestermere Public Library.

The Annual Pie Auction for STARS will take place Saturday September 12th 2:30pm in the curling rink. If you would like to make a pie on Wednesday Sept 9th at the pie making session for the auction, you can email or call Jen 403 272 3764 or Pat 273-5108 to register, pie plates and pastry provided, just bring your filling. Details in the booklet. And for any other questions, just go to the Facebook page and send us a PM, call one of the numbers above, or email. See you at the Fair!

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