For 27 year old Stephen Demaer, doing something he has loved since his teenage years has now won him top honours. On Sunday October 25th, The Royal Conservatory awarded the Chestermere resident with the Gold Medal for scoring the top mark in Alberta on the Level 5 Guitar examination.
Regional Gold Medals are awarded each academic year (September 1 to August 31) to Conservatory examination candidates in Preparatory A and B and Levels 1 to 10 who achieve the highest mark in their respective province or designated region. Eligible candidates must score at least 80% on their practical examination and must have completed the co-requisite theory examinations for their respective grade and discipline. Gold Medal ceremonies are held annually in cities across Canada, often in conjunction with Convocation ceremonies, to recognize students’ achievements and acknowledge the contributions of their teachers.
Demaer, born and raised in Calgary, said that he never really had an interest in music as a child but when he started taking lessons ten years ago, it was the perfect fit. Aside from his love for guitar, Demaer is a 4th year electrician student at SAIT and says that maybe someday he will teach guitar. Demaer says, “I think kids participating in music is a great opportunity. It definitely helped me build my memory skills and my concentration”.
The Royal Conservatory of Music is one of the largest and most respected music and arts education institutions in the world. Providing the definitive standard of excellence in music education through its curriculum, assessments, performances, and teacher education programs, The Conservatory has had a substantial impact on the lives of millions of people globally. The Royal Conservatory Certificate Program provides a recognized standard of musical achievement through an effectively sequenced course of study and individual student examinations from beginner to advanced levels. More than 140,000 examinations have taken place across Alberta in the past decade. Entrenched in the minds of hearts of Canadians, The Royal Conservatory has united generations of citizens since its inception in 1886. For more information on the programs they offer, please visit www.learning.rcmusic.ca/royal-conservatory-school
With this gold medal now under his belt, Demaer is now prepping to take his level 7 exam in January 2016. Good luck Stephen!