Quite often members of the Chestermere Historical Foundation get questions about local history. Sometimes we answer off the tops of our heads, but most often, we refer to ‘Chestermere A Home for All Seasons.’ Try your luck at these questions, and next week, look for the answers in The Anchor.
If you are stumped, buy a copy of the history book! Call me 403 272 3764, or Audrey 403 272 9280– $48 including GST. For super ‘historians’, the first two people sending all 10 answers correctly to the Contact Us link at www.chestermerehistory.org by midnight March 24th will receive a free burger and drink at the Chestermere Historical Foundation M&M BBQ fundraiser for the CCOA 1952 firetruck restoration on Saturday June 6th 10am to 3pm. (Chestermere Historical Foundation Board of Directors not eligible). Winner will be announced in The Anchor and on the webpage. Good luck!
Where did they get the dance floor for the first Chestermere hall ?
Who were Mark Kenney and his Western Gentlemen and why are they significant to Chestermere?
What does CCOA stand for?
What connection is there between the Olympic Torches of 1988 and Chestermere?
When was the first Chestermere Country Fair?
In 2008 a book was published on heritage trees in Alberta. How many heritage trees are there in Chestermere?
What significant event in the history of the Chestermere area happened in 1906?
What event, that happened in Chestermere in 2014, was a Guinness World Record?
What two things are unique about the Calgary Yacht Club?
What type of building housed the first office for the Summer Village of Chestermere?