Women Helping Women This Holiday Season

The ‘Fill A Purse' initiative gets huge participation

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In many instances, social media can do more harm than good in our society. Online bullying, business bashing and, to some degree, has made us more lazy as we sit on our couch and communicate with all our ‘friends’. However, when social media works as it was likely intended to, what happens next is nothing short of magic.
Karen Klassen, tell us how it all began by saying, “I saw a Facebook quote photo that a friend had posted and it read, ‘If you have a purse you don’t use fill it with essentials every woman needs and give it to a homeless woman’. I thought what a great idea and I shared it on my Women Embracing Brilliance Community Facebook page thinking this would be a great idea to have other women join me and give back to women who are in need during the holiday season. Then three days later, Carla sent me a Facebook message and asked if she could be a part of this fabulous idea. Immediately I said yes and thanked her for reminding me of my post”.
But what would happen next, this duo never saw coming. “We created a banner and we put together our Facebook Event page on Nov 17th and started inviting our friends. Within three days it went viral. Within a week we had over 500 women Filling Purses and now we have over 1500 women in Calgary and local areas (Airdrie, High River, Black Diamond, Okotoks, and Chestermere) filling purses. It might be more as there are many women who are not even on Facebook who are taking part. Even large companies have called to let us know they are filling purses – West jet, and Marks Corp”.
The items that were recommended the purses be filled with were:
Hand and facial wipes
Fragrance or body spray
Sanitary items
Compact mirror
Lip balm
Comb or brush
Hair accessories
Hair spray
Pen and notebook
Chewing gum
Breathe freshener
Shampoo and conditioner
Tooth brush and toothpaste
Wallet or coin purse and spare change
Little book of inspirations
Fold up ballet flats
Wrapped gift
Gift cards
Women were simply asked to take a new or good condition used large purse or backpack, fill it at home with some items off the above list and then drop your filled purse at one of the 21 locations that jumped on board to collect the bags. In Chestermere, Lifestyle Homes stepped up to the plate and are collecting filled bags until December 13th as distribution of the bags is set to begin on December 14th. “We were thrilled to hear that Lifestyle Homes is donating a vehicle for us to deliver the purses to all the agencies. This cause has transformed so many people’s lives already and the purses have yet to be distributed’, said Klassen.
Klassen explained, “All of our recipients are thrilled with this initiative as so many women and families in this city are struggling. So far we will be distributing to:
Aboriginal Friendship Centre Calgary – 300
The Mustard Seed – 100 purses
YWCA downtown – need 100 purses
Calgary Women’s Centres – they need 250 purses.
Drop In Centre – need 100 purses
Rowan House in High River – only 20 purses
With more being added this week”.
They have had so many businesses who asked if they could be drop off locations that as of yesterday Brenda Davidson, Marketing and Sales Manager of Carriage House Inn has already filled two big boxes.
With media interviews and an overwhelming response from the community, the reach of this initiative has even crossed the Alberta boarder. “Now that we have created a template that works, Carla and I have now been asked to take this initiative to other cities such as Toronto, Vancouver, and Chicago in the spring”, explained Klassen.
“It has been overwhelming. The outpouring of the brilliant women of Calgary and area is heart-warming. We set our goal for 500 and now have well over 1500 handbags being filled right now”, says Klassen.
If you would like to fill a purse and participate in this, you can drop off your filled purse here in Chestermere at Lifestyle Homes Showhome, located at 606 Marina Drive Westmere during the hours of 2-8 Monday –Thursday, Sat and Sun 12-5. There are many other locations listed on the initiatives Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/780173442106144/
Initiatives like this sprout up all the time on social media and can do remarkable things for our communities and society as a whole. Klassen explained, “Our interview with CTV was the first time Carla and I met. We did everything for this initiative over the phone, Facebook and email. We feel we are soul sisters and creating this project together has been so much fun. It feels like we have known each other and have been working together for years”.

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Staff Writer

Staff Writer

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