We’re ticking right along through our look at the history of the Chestermere Regional Food Bank and for those that didn’t know we had a food bank, or feel we don’t need one – the fact that they are about to have their ten year anniversary speaks volumes to the need in our community.
2011 saw Gwen Foat joining the Chestermere Regional Food Bank board as Treasurer, however, she and Steve both resigned shortly thereafter. Mardi Oel then assumed the responsibilities of President, Secretary and Treasurer and Cindy resumed the Vice President role.
The group took on the task of updating their bylaws and they were now in a financial position to take advantage of the discount on Safeway cards. Shirlee and Bea finally got help with hamper distribution when Helen and Rosie came along.
Curves again organized a food drive – that brought in 860 lbs. of food to the food bank and Our Lady of Wisdom school donated $402.14 and held a huge food drive in May. “Sadly, these two food drives coincided with the elevator breaking down at the Rec Centre; two of our happy volunteers made 57 trips up and down the stairs, groceries in both hands from the OLOW food drive alone. A bonus benefit of volunteering with the Food Bank – excellent workouts!” says Oel.
The Chestermere Lake Middle School and St. Gabe’s also held food drives in May, so the summer months were looking good for the food bank. The United Way approved $8,000 of funding and Wise & Company agreed to do the organizations year end financials at no charge. In working closely with the Christmas With Dignity campaign, Community Spirit Grant funds – $13,691.07 were received – enough funding to last a year!
The Fall Fair pie auction funds were donated to the Chestermere Regional Food Bank which brought close to $1,000 to the group and Peter and Pat Tindall also donated their winnings. The Royal Bank donated another $5,000 so all of that together allowed the food bank to purchase $10,000 in Safeway gift cards.
Chestermere Regional Food Bank volunteers worked Oktoberfest and Oel worded it best saying, “the meaning of ‘giving back’ became very clear. The Community has rallied behind the Food Bank in a big way and time to reciprocate in whatever way we can”.
2011 saw Chestermeres population continuing to rise and reached 14, 682. The Chestermere Regional Food Bank gave out 88 hampers plus 28 Christmas hampers.