Rocky View County is exploring how to best handle organic waste in Langdon after receiving word that soon this waste will not be accepted by the landfill.
“It’s got to be inclusive and it’s got to cover everybody,” said area councilor Rolly Ashdown.
Currently, the garbage from Langdon is taken to a city of Calgary landfill. The introduction of green carts has been proposed after Calgary gave notice that they will be banning organic waste (kitchen and yard waste) from its landfills within the next five years.
“Rather than have higher fees for that the county has embarked on an idea that maybe we can have a green-cart program,” he said.
Rocky View County has hired an outside firm to consult to explore this and conduct public hearings. Among the ideas being considered is the implementation of a green cart program.
“It’s going to cost more if we don’t do something,” he said.
Ashdown said that about eight consultations have occurred with more scheduled for Oct. 1 at the Langdon Field House and Oct. 5 at Buy-Low Foods.
“I think the county has been really proactive,” said Ashdown.