Golfer questions ticket

I have had a recent experience with our local RCMP which has now convinced me that the size and VALUE of the Chestermere RCMP detachment is clearly suspect. In fact, if this interaction is any indication – we are wasting our money. Here’s my story:

I was leaving to play golf at the final member event for 2016 at Lakeside Golf Course. I am fortunate to live directly backing onto the golf course, and drive my golf cart out my back gate onto hole #4 of the golf course, when I play. I also have lived in Chestermere and have been a member of the local golf course for twenty years.

While exiting the marked road crossing at hole #4, I noticed the entrance to hole #5 (where I normally re-enter the course) was momentarily blocked by the maintenance staff doing some year-end maintenance work, so I turned right and travelled EXACTLY 284 meters to the next golf cart entrance at the clubhouse. It should be noted that I was traveling at the breakneck speed of about 15km/hr along the curb lane of the roadway. The distance was so short that one of our “diligent” constables with his high powered (town funded) police vehicle could not catch-up to me as I turned back onto the course.

As I turned into the parking lot and stopped at the golf cart staging area, a certain Constable JABIYEV (sp? – it’s hard to make-out on the Yellow Summons), stormed into the parking lot, lights ablaze and advised me that operating an off road vehicle along the curb was illegal. I told him that I just exited the course and re-entered at the nearest available entrance at the clubhouse – but he wouldn’t hear it.

It became a parking lot spectacle as about 60 of our members who were also participating in the shotgun tournament that day, stood and watched in amazement (and murmured among themselves in anger and disbelief…they are my friends, after all) as he made me sit while he wrote up a $300 summons.

I seriously doubt (in his mind) that Constable Jabiyev was bent on protecting the citizens of Chestermere from roving bands of golf bandits! More likely he was bored and under-employed (which I’ve always suspected of the local detachment), and decided that a little abuse of his authority and harassment of Chestermere residents who spend their recreation dollars in our small city, was called for!

Now I am left to defend myself and my “endangerment of the public at 15km/hr along the curbside” in Strathmore court. I am in my late 60’s, and $300 is substantial dollars to me – I need my day in court to appeal.

Meanwhile – should any other resident enjoy a chance meeting with Constable Jabiyev in our city, you should expect his “Community Support and Common Sense” meter will be pinned at ZERO. Hopefully he won’t perform some random act of authority abuse on you. If he does, you have my sympathy.

(Copy sent to the Mayor and paper copy to the RCMP detachment)

Joe Samulenok,

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