Langdon School news June

Well summer has sprung! One thing that I really enjoy about summer is the ability to change up my schedule and do things I have not made time for during the school year. I find, not only with myself, but with my own kids, that non-schedules can be difficult for some children to handle. Here are a couple things you might want to do if you find some summer weeks are difficult.
1. Talk to your children about the summer and any vacation plans, at the beginning of July. Kids love having something to look forward to.
2. Have some chores ready for them to do. Being a part of a family means actively helping. Give them a job that has some importance, painting a fence, cleaning out a closet, organizing the dishes in a new way, cleaning out the garage, etc. You can also pay them for this and begin that understanding of what it means to earn money.
3. Don’t feel you need to organize those middle school aged kids, but at the same time, don’t just leave them to their own devices. Be aware of where your kids are hanging out, and talk to them about expectations you have of behaviour and time limits.
4. Plan some creative time with them around what they love as well as new experience. Often kids may not be motivated to do something outside their comfort zone, summer camps, activities etc. are a great way to expand their horizons.
5. Lastly, if you have extended family, get those uncle and aunts involved. Building those relationships is very helpful for children as they grow up.

School will start on September 1st. You will be contacted by email, website, and phone to get ready for the first day. Before that day comes, take time to talk with your kids about a goal for this year. For example, you can ask them about last year and, since they are older, what would they want to improve on. They might respond with things like: school work, friendships, work ethic, etc. Whatever it is, write it down. Put in your calendar to remind you once a month to ask your kids how the goal is going. That type of accountability really lets children know you care about their development.

Have a wonderful Summer Langdon !

David Smith
Langdon School

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