Leavin’ It Be For Now

City of Chestermere withdraws annexation application and is headed to mediation with RVC

In December 2015, a frustrated City of Chestermere submitted an application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs requesting the annexation of 25,000 plus acres of land that is currently under Rocky View County jurisdiction.  At that time, Mayor Patricia Matthews explained the decision by saying, “We have done everything we can to work with Rocky View County even up to recently offering to go through a mediation process, but they chose not to participate in that so we have no other choice. We have done everything we possibly can.  This move to annex these lands is in an effort to control our own density. They (RVC) are effectively boxing in our entire region with bad development”.

Chestermere and Rocky View County residents had a variety of reactions to this announcement.  Concerned about taxation, jurisdiction, servicing and development…..the uncertainty of what the outcome of this possible annexation weight heavily on area residents.  Well, worry no more as it was announced on March 2, 2016 that the City of Chestermere has withdrawn their application for annexation.

Based on comments by Rocky View’s legal counsel at the Municipal Government Board hearing that the appeal under section 690 of the Municipal Government Act will freeze development in the Conrich area, as well as agreement to an Inter-municipal Committee meeting in Chestermere to discuss the Inter-municipal Development Plan (a good neighbour document),  Chestermere City Council has renewed faith that Chestermere’s concerns can be met through the mediation process and ultimately a decision by the Municipal Government Board.

“We have been trying since June 2015 to get into mediation with Rocky View County, particularly over the Conrich area”, explained Mayor Matthews.

“We are entering the mediation process with open minds and open hearts that this will result in a good, sustainable development in Conrich,” said Mayor Patricia Matthews. “We want to give this appeal the opportunity to run its course unfettered by the annexation application and believe that Chestermere residents will be protected by the freeze on development until it does.”

Council passed the following motion at a special meeting of Council on Tuesday, March 2nd –  “That Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to submit a letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs requesting withdrawal of the annexation application of Rocky View County lands in order to allow the mediation process, under the 690 appeal, to be completed unfettered”.

Following the announcement by the City of Chestermere that they were withdrawing their application, Rocky View County says that they are satisfied with this decision.  “It would be too strong to say we’re pleased with Chestermere Council for making the right decision in abandoning this annexation.  Their ill-fated actions cost Rocky View County, the Province, and the citizens of Chestermere a great deal of time and money.  It caused many of our senior citizens, residents, and business owner’s great stress.  The annexation attempt should never have happened, and we’re satisfied Chestermere has finally recognized their error,” said County Reeve Greg Boehlke. “Things are now moving forward as they should, and Rocky View County will continue to embrace any legitimate ideas our neighbours may have about making the region strong,” Boehlke said.

Mayor Matthews continued saying, “We are going into this with open minds and open hearts that this is going to resolve in a positive sustainable development.  Which is good for us, good for them and good for the region and we sincerely hope that Rocky View continues to keep up the forward momentum so that we can get this done.  The concerns we had have now been addressed and we wanted to show as much good faith as possible so we pulled the application.  We believe this process has a potential to address the things we need to have addressed.  So, let’s take a step back and focus on one thing that will get us to where we need to go. Their community and our community form one community.  We should be doing what’s right for the entire community regardless of whose jurisdiction it’s in and an unstainable plan is bad for everybody.  A good regional plan is good for not only them and for us but for the region.  Let’s put it together”.

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